Commercial fishing logbooks

If you are a commercial fishing licence or permit holder you must submit daily catch and monthly market logbook returns.

If you are an aquaculture licence holder you must submit returns every six months.

This page has return forms you can download and instructions on how to use them.

If you're a fishing tour operator, go to the fishing tour operator page for more information and to download the logbook return forms.

Logbook return information

The information you must include for a log book return includes data on the fishing gear used, species caught, weight and the areas fished.

It also includes any interactions with threatened, endangered and protected species.

This information must be accurate as it is used to monitor fishing stocks and inform decisions about the sustainable management of the Northern Territory's fisheries.

Individual transferable quota information

Commercial fishing licence holders may also have to submit individual transferable quota (ITQ) information.

This includes unload notices and catch disposal records.

Logbook return forms

Download the logbook return forms for each commercial fishery or industry segment below.

There are also instructions on how to fill in the logbook sheets and examples of completed sheets.

Contact a Data Services Officer for more information on 08 8999 2189 or email


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