Fishing tour operator licence
You must have a licence to run commercial guided fishing tours in the Northern Territory (NT).
You also need an authorisation known as an approved operator card.
This includes recognition you are a fit and proper person to hold an authorisation. Read more about commercial fishing licences.
Recreational fishing regulations apply to people on a guided fishing tour and none of their catch can be sold or bartered.
Read more about recreational fishing or find out about rules and current agreements for fishing on Aboriginal land.
Your vessel does not need to be registered but it must meet the Australian Government's Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) rules.
For more information, go to the AMSA website.
Before you apply
Before you apply, call 08 8999 2183 to discuss:
- licensing conditions and requirements
- how pending changes to the fishing tour operator (FTO) process might affect you.
Documents you may need
If you have your own vessel, you must provide appropriate vessel survey certification.
For more information, call the Australian Government's AMSA on 08 8941 3250.
If you use a vehicle to pick up your guests or clients, you must also provide:
- accreditation issued or approved by the NT Motor Vehicle Registry
- NT tourist vehicle registration certificate
- NT driver licence with an H endorsement.
Read more about operating or owning a commercial passenger vehicle.
How to apply
To apply, follow these steps:
Step 1. Fill in the application and include details of your vessel and information about your current survey date and number.
FTO application PDF (172.9 KB)
FTO application DOCX (62.3 KB)
Step 2. Attach copies of:
- appropriate marine qualifications
- $10 million minimum third party liability insurance
- senior first aid certificate.
Step 3. Provide proof of identity, such as:
- driver licence or passport for an individual
- certificate of incorporation for a corporation
- current company search for a company showing names of company directors.
Step 4. Submit your application and supporting documents to Fisheries Licensing by mail, email or in person.
By mail or email
Fisheries Licensing
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
GPO Box 3000
Darwin NT 0801
In person
Fisheries Licensing
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
33 Vaughan Street
Berrimah NT 0828
Logbook return
FTOs must submit a logbook return for each commercial guided fishing trip they conduct.
You can choose to submit them online which is preferred or by mail.
Submit your logbooks through the online Emperor portal account.
By mail
Return your paper logbook return to the Fisheries Licensing mail address above.
You must record the areas that were fished during the trip, using grid and subgrid numbers. Get the fishing grid maps PDF (1.5 MB).
To find out more about logbook returns or if you have any issues or questions about the new portal call 08 8999 2189 or email
For the representative body of the Northern Territory Guided Fishing Industry Association, contact:
Blane Simmons
GPO Box 387
Nightcliff NT 0814
Mobile: 0400 703 300
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