
For queries about government services or information, read about government departments and agencies.

Give feedback about NT.GOV.AU

If you have feedback about the NT.GOV.AU website, complete the online feedback form.

If your feedback is not related to comments or suggestions for NT.GOV.AU, you must contact the relevant government department or agency.

Making a complaint about government

You can make a complaint if you think you have been unfairly treated by a government department or agency.

Most departments have a feedback form on their website. Go to the list of government departments and agencies.

If they don't, you can write to the chief executive to make your complaint.

You can find an email or mail address under the 'contacts' section of the department website.

You should include the following in your complaint:

  • your name and contact details
  • relevant dates, places and times
  • a description of the issue, incident or decision
  • details of any phone conversations, emails, meetings or other actions you've already taken to sort the problem out
  • any relevant documents
  • what action you think the department or agency should take.

You should also:

  • ask for your email or letter to be answered in writing
  • ask for the department or agency to estimate how long it will take to respond to your complaint.

What happens if your complaint isn't resolved?

If you're not happy with the outcome of your complaint, or the department or agency hasn't responded to your complaint, you can make a complaint to the Ombudsman NT.

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