Brand and identify livestock


Some species of livestock in the Northern Territory (NT) must be individually identified for both ownership and movement recording purposes.

To find out more read the fact sheet on livestock movement and identification in the NT.

Fact sheet on livestock movement and ID in the NT PDF (44.9 KB)
Fact sheet on livestock movement and ID in the NT DOCX (167.5 KB)

NT brands

Your cattle must be branded using the NT branding system to establish ownership of individual animals. This also assists with disease control and chemical residue trace-back programs.

All cattle over eight months old must be branded before they are moved off a property.

Horses, buffalo and camels can also be branded but it is not legally required.

National Livestock Identification System

The National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) is Australia's system for identifying and tracing cattle, buffalo, sheep and goats for food safety, product integrity and market access purposes.

It is a permanent whole-of-life identification system that allows animals to be tracked from the property of birth to slaughter or export.

In the NT all cattle must have an approved NLIS device attached to their right ear before they are moved off a property, regardless of where they are going.

This section contains information about both NT brands and the NLIS system.

Livestock brands in the NT

If you are a cattle producer in the Northern Territory (NT) you must use the three-letter brand system, where one must be the letter T.

You can register a distinctive symbol that is linked to the three-letter brand. Once registered, the symbol can be used with the three-letter brand or on its own.

For a brand to be used in the NT it must be registered there and comply with the Livestock Act 2008 and Livestock Regulations 2009.

Brand ownership

A brand is registered to a person or company for use on a nominated NT property only.

It must not be used in any other state or territory, or on any other property.

This means the branding iron can only be used by the registered owner or their representative on the registered NT property stated on the branding certificate.

Branding as legal proof

Correct branding of an animal is proof the animal is the property of the owner of the registered brand.

Cross branding

You are not legally required to cross brand cattle or buffalo after you have bought them. However, it may help to prove ownership.

Purchased cattle or buffalo need to be cross branded correctly to provide evidence of ownership.

Register a three-letter brand

You must brand all Northern Territory (NT) cattle more than 8 months old before they are moved off a property.

You can also brand horses, buffalo and camels, but it's not compulsory.

Only one three-letter brand can be registered to a particular person or company for use on a property.

Discuss your branding needs with the livestock biosecurity officer in your region before you apply for a brand.

Get the list of available three-letter brands PDF (897.3 KB).

You will need to choose three alternatives when you make your application.

Before you apply to register a brand, check to make sure you meet all of the following conditions:

  • you're at least 18 years old
  • you have the legal description details for the property the brand will be used on
  • you're the registered owner of the property or have the property owner's permission.

If you're not the registered owner of the land, you must fill in the owner's permission to use run form PDF (181.4 KB).

All registered owners of the land must sign the form.

Submit the form to the livestock identification systems administrator at Livestock Biosecurity.

You will need further documentation if you're applying to use a brand on land owned by an Aboriginal Land Trust. Find out what you need to do to register a brand for use on Aboriginal land.

To apply, follow these steps:

Step 1. Fill in the application for a three-letter brand for horses, cattle and buffalo.

Application for a three-letter brand for horses, cattle and buffalo PDF (773.5 KB)
Application for a three-letter brand for horses, cattle and buffalo DOCX (89.2 KB)

Step 2. Include the 3 choices for your brand in order of preference.

Step 3. Specify what type of animals will be branded and where on the animal the brand will be applied.

Step 4. Pay the fee - attach a cheque made out to the Receiver of Territory Monies or fill in the credit card charge details in the application.

Step 5. Submit the application by post or email:

Brands Registrar
Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade
GPO Box 3000
Darwin NT 0801

The branding iron must meet all the following specifications:

  • all 3 letters must be constructed as a single unit on one handle
  • each letter must be 4cm to 8cm high and 4cm to 8cm wide
  • the imprint/contact surface of the iron is to be between 3mm and 4mm wide
  • the letters must be a clean-joined typeface and not a fancy or broken typeface.

To make sure the brand is clear, keep any adjacent lines at least 20mm apart to avoid blotching.

For more information, get the branding iron requirement fact sheet.

Branding iron requirement fact sheet PDF (750.2 KB)
Branding iron requirement fact sheet DOCX (50.8 KB)

Register a distinctive (symbol) brand

You must have a registered Northern Territory (NT) three-letter brand before you can apply for a distinctive symbol brand.

You can register up to 3 distinctive symbol brands for each three-letter brand.

Once registered, a symbol brand can be used with the three-letter brand or on its own.

What a symbol brand must look like

A symbol brand must have all of the following characteristics:

  • if using letters, it must be 2 letters with a symbol above, under or beside the letters - you can no longer use single letters
  • it must be a symbol design unique to the NT
  • it must be able to produce a clear brand - if the registrar thinks a design would not produce a legible brand, it will not be registered.

A symbol brand must not be 3 equal-sized letters or characters, or a 3-character brand registered in another state.

Construction and size of symbol brand

The brand must meet the following specifications:

  • be from 4cm to 12cm high and wide
  • the imprint/contact surface of the iron is to be between 3mm and 4mm wide.

To make sure the brand is clear, keep any adjacent lines at least 20mm apart to avoid blotching.

How to apply

To register a distinctive symbol as a brand, follow these steps:

Step 1. Fill in the application for distinctive (symbol) brand for horses and cattle:

Application for distinctive (symbol) brand for horses and cattle PDF (817.4 KB)
Application for distinctive (symbol) brand for horses and cattle DOCX (95.7 KB)

It must be signed by the registered owner of the three-letter brand.

Step 2. Attach supporting documents - you must include:

  • a full scale drawn image of the proposed symbol brand
  • details of what type of animals will be branded and where on the animal the brand will be applied.

Step 3. You must have permission from the owner of the nominated property.

If you're not the registered owner of the land, you must fill in and submit the owner's permission to use run form PDF (181.4 KB).

Step 4. Pay the fee - attach a cheque made out to the Receiver of Territory Monies or fill in the credit card charge details in the application.

Step 5. Submit the application by post or email:

Brands Registrar
Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade
GPO Box 3000
Darwin NT 0801

Register an earmark

If you're a cattle producer, earmarks are an optional tool for helping identify your cattle.

You must hold a Northern Territory (NT) three-letter brand before you can apply for an earmark.

How to apply

To apply to register an earmark, follow these steps:

Step 1. Fill in the application for an earmark for cattle form. It must be signed by the registered owners of the related three-letter brand.

Application for an earmark for cattle PDF (978.8 KB)
Application for an earmark for cattle DOCX (392.0 KB)

Step 2. Choose three earmarks and ear position using the NT Code index of Registered Earmarks for Use with Registered Brands in the NT - this is included in the instructions in the application.

Step 3. Pay the fee - attach a cheque made out to the Receiver of Territory Monies or fill in the credit card charge details in the application.

Step 4. Submit the application by post or fax:

Brands Registrar
Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade
GPO Box 3000
Darwin NT 0801 
Fax: 08 8999 2146

After a brand has been registered

Once you have registered your brand or earmark, you will receive the relevant registration certificate:

  • certificate of registration of three-letter brand
  • certificate of registration of distinctive brand
  • certificate of registration of earmark
  • certificate of transfer of brand.

The certificates are legal documents and should be kept in a safe place. As the brand owner you must abide by the certificate provisions and keep them up to date.

If you want to make any changes to your brands or earmarks, you must return the original certificates to the registrar along with the relevant application forms.

If you lose a certificate, fill in the form to request a replacement.

Request for a replacement certificate PDF (667.3 KB)
Request for a replacement certificate DOCX (64.6 KB)

Pay the fee and submit the form to the principal livestock registrar at livestock biosecurity.

The new certificate replaces all other certificates, even if the original is found later.

When you receive the certificate of registration, you must send an impression of the brand to the registrar within 60 days. It should be on linen, canvas, cardboard, leather or other acceptable material.

The branding iron must produce a brand that matches the design or description on your registration certificate. You are breaking the law and can be fined if it does not.

The first brand on an animal must be in the position described in the brand's certificate of registration.

Any later brand can be in any of the following positions where there is room:

  • off shoulder
  • off rump, hip or thigh
  • near shoulder
  • near rump, hip or thigh

You must not apply a registered brand anywhere else on the animal.

For more information, get the branding positions for cattle and horses fact sheet.

Branding positions for cattle and horses fact sheet PDF (735.2 KB)
Branding positions for cattle and horses fact sheet DOCX (69.2 KB)

You can apply for permission to brand livestock off the brand's registered property for a short period, for example, for calves on agistment or newly-bought stock.

How to apply

To apply for permission to use a branding iron off the brand's registered property, follow these steps:

Step 1. Discuss your proposed branding needs with a regional livestock biosecurity officer at Livestock Biosecurity.

Step 2. Fill in the request for special permission to brand cattle off registered run.

Request for special permission to brand cattle off registered run PDF (147.2 KB)
Request for special permission to brand cattle off registered run DOCX (63.5 KB)

Step 3. Get the property or land owner to fill in the owner's permission to use run (temporary) form.

Owners permission to use run (to use branding iron temporarily on run)  PDF (179.9 KB)
Owners permission to use run (to use branding iron temporarily on run) DOCX (62.4 KB)

Step 4. Submit the request and supporting documentation to the regional livestock biosecurity officer by emailing and await written authorisation.

If your request is approved, the registrar will email authorisation back to the owner of the brand, the owner of the temporary run and the regional livestock biosecurity officer.

Apply to use a brand in an Aboriginal Land Trust area

If you want to apply to use a brand in an Aboriginal Land Trust area, you will need to submit additional documentation.

Find out how to register a brand for use on Aboriginal land.

You must notify the registrar if any of the following things happen:

  • the brand owner moves or the property is sold
  • the branding position changes
  • the brand is no longer used
  • the brand owner's name changes by marriage
  • the brand owner dies
  • the brand is to be transferred to a new owner
  • the owner's contact address changes.

Read the Agnote on livestock identification: brands in the Northern Territory PDF (90.3 KB).

Freeze branding is an alternative to common methods of identification branding for livestock.

For more information, read the Agnote on freeze branding PDF (85.7 KB).

Transfer, move, change or cancel a brand

If you want to make any change to the ownership, registered property or location of your brand, you must apply for or register the change with the registrar.

You must also notify the brands registrar if any of the following things happen:

  • the brand owner moves or the property is sold
  • the position of the branding changes
  • the brand is cancelled
  • the brand owner's name changes by marriage
  • the brand owner dies
  • the brand is transferred to a new owner
  • the owner's contact address changes.

All the processes and required forms are detailed below.

Changing ownership of a property through sale or inheritance does not automatically transfer ownership of a brand that belongs to that property, even if the stock are included.

You must do one of the following three things if the property is sold:

  • transfer the brand to the new property owner - see instructions below
  • cancel the brand - see instructions below
  • move the brand to a new property - see instructions below.

Transferring a three-letter brand automatically includes any associated distinctive (symbol) brands and earmarks, unless the brand's registered owner says otherwise.

When you must transfer a brand

Instances when you must apply to transfer ownership of a brand include the following:

  • you sell the property and you agree to transfer the brand to the new owners
  • the registered brand owner changes their name by marriage
  • the brand owner dies
  • the company that owns the registered brand is dissolved
  • a part owner is added or removed.

How to transfer a brand

Follow the steps below to transfer ownership of a brand.

Step 1. Check you have the correct details for the registered owner

You can do this online by searching the NT brands register.

You can also fill in the NT brands register search form. You must submit it to the registrar and pay the fee (instructions are in the form):

NT brands register search form PDF (764.9 KB)
NT brands register search form DOCX (65.6 KB)

Step 2. Fill in the application

Fill in the application for transfer of brand.

Application for transfer of brand PDF (676.9 KB)
Application for transfer of brand DOCX (66.0 KB)

You must also include all the following information:

  • the name and details of the new owner - if it is a company, you need their ABN or ACN
  • names and signatures of current brand owners
  • signatures of new brand owners - if a company, the directors must sign and state their position in the company - eg. director.

If a brand owner has died, the executor or administrator of their estate must sign the form, including their status as executor or administrator. You must attach a copy of the death certificate.

Step 3. Get permission from the property owner

The new brand owner must own the nominated property or have the permission from the property owner.

If they're not the owner, they must also fill in the owner's permission to use run form and submit it to the registrar.

Owner's permission to use run form PDF (181.4 KB)
Owner's permission to use run form DOCX (62.4 KB)

Step 4. Attach supporting documents if the brand will be used on Aboriginal land

Find out what you need to do to register a brand for use on Aboriginal land.

Step 5. Pay the fee

Check the biosecurity service fees.

You can attach a cheque made out to the Receiver of Territory Monies or fill in the credit card charge details in the application.

Step 6. Submit the application

Submit the application by mail or email to the registrar.

If you want to use your brand on a property which is not the one it's registered to, you must request to change the nominated property before you use the brand on the different property.

If you sell the property your brand is registered to and you want to keep the brand and move it to a new NT property, you must request to change the nominated property.

In both cases, fill in the request to change the run form and submit it to the registrar.

Request to change the run form PDF (668.4 KB)
Request to change the run form DOCX (69.1 KB)

If you're moving the brand to a new property, you must also send in the original brand certificates to be amended.

If you're not the owner of the property you want to nominate for your brand, you must get the owner of the land to fill in the owner's permission to use run form and submit it to the registrar.

Owner's permission to use run form PDF (181.4 KB)
Owner's permission to use run form DOCX (62.4 KB)

If you no longer need to register your brand to someone else's property - eg. cattle are no longer being agisted there or permission is withdrawn for any other reason - the property owner must fill in the owner's permission to use run revoked form and submit it to the registrar.

Owner's permission to use run revoked form PDF (177.8 KB)
Owner's permission to use run revoked form DOCX (45.2 KB)

If you want to change the position on the animal where the brand is applied, or add another one, fill in the request to change or add branding positions form and submit it to the registrar.

Request to change or add branding positions form PDF (789.6 KB)
Request to change or add branding positions form DOCX (91.8 KB)

If you want to change the position of your earmark, fill in the request to change earmark position form and submit it to the registrar.

Request to change earmark position form PDF (869.6 KB)
Request to change earmark position form DOCX (340.2 KB)

You will also need to send in your earmark branding certificate for updating.

If you lose your brand registration certificate, you must apply for a new one.

Fill in the request for replacement certificate form PDF (667.3 KB) and submit it to the registrar.

If you no longer want to keep a brand and want to cancel it, fill in the cancellation of brand form and submit it to the registrar.

When a 3 letter brand  is cancelled, the associated earmark, distinctive (symbol) brand and distinctive numerals (if applicable) are automatically cancelled along with the 3 letter brand.

Cancellation of brand form PDF (173.4 KB)
Cancellation of brand form DOCX (64.6 KB)

If you want to cancel just the distinctive (symbol) brand, fill in the application for cancellation of distinctive (symbol) brand only and submit it to the registrar.

Application for cancellation of distinctive (symbol) brand only PDF (172.8 KB)
Application for cancellation of distinctive (symbol) brand only DOCX (64.3 KB)

If you want to cancel just the registered earmark, fill in the application for cancellation of registered earmark only and submit it to the registrar.

Application for cancellation of registered earmark only PDF (171.7 KB)
Application for cancellation of registered earmark only DOCX (64.4 KB)

You must let the registrar know if your postal address changes, or the NT Brands Register does not have accurate details of your brand.

You can do this by filling in the update contact details form and submitting it to the registrar.

Update contact details form PDF (295.1 KB)
Update contact details form DOCX (47.0 KB)

If the property listed in the NT Brands Directory is no longer the property you're using your brand on, then you must fill in a request to change the run form.

Request to change the run form PDF (668.4 KB)
Request to change the run form DOCX (69.1 KB)

If the names of the registered owners of the brands have changed, then you must fill in an application for transfer of brand.

Application for transfer of brand PDF (676.9 KB)
Application for transfer of brand DOCX (66.0 KB)

Send your completed forms by mail or email to:

Brands Clerk
Livestock Biosecurity
Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade
GPO Box 3000
Darwin NT 0801

NT brands register and directories

Read about how to get access to the Northern Territory (NT) directory of livestock brands, and how to search the register for a brand.

A 2018 audit of the NT brands register is still underway.

Outstanding audits

There are still a number of outstanding brand audits.

You must complete the audit to ensure your brand does not get cancelled.

Complete the audit

To complete the brands audit, follow these steps:

Step 1. Check if your brand is on the outstanding audit list.

Step 2. Complete the 2018 audit form DOCX (176.2 KB).

Step 3. Indicate any changes to your registered brand/s.

Step 4. Submit your completed form by post or email.

Livestock Identification Systems Administrator
Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade
GPO Box 3000
Darwin NT 0801

The NT Brands Register lets you:

  • search for a brand
  • find out who owns them
  • find out the brands associated with a property.

You can search the NT Brands Register online for free. Search by brand, owner or property name.

You can also request a search by applying online at Territory Services.

Apply online

Other ways to apply

You can apply by mail or email.

To request information by email, follow these steps:

Step 1. Fill in the form.

NT brands register search request PDF (764.9 KB)
NT brands register search request DOCX (65.6 KB)

Step 2. Pay your fee in person or by phone at a Receiver of Territory Monies.

Step 3. Submit your application and payment receipt by mail or email to:

LISA / brands clerk - Livestock Biosecurity
Biosecurity and Animal Welfare Branch
Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade
GPO Box 3000
Darwin NT 0801

You must pay a fee by cheque or credit card as outlined on the form when you send in the request.

For instructions on how to use the search tool, read how to search the NT brands register.


A $50.62 fee applies to all NT brand search requests.

National Livestock Identification System in the NT

The National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) is Australia's system for identifying and tracing livestock for food safety, product integrity and market access purposes.

It is a permanent whole-of-life identification system that allows individual animals to be traced from the property of birth to slaughter or export.

In the Northern Territory (NT) all cattle, buffalo, sheep and goats must have an approved NLIS device before they are moved off a property regardless of where they are going.

For more information on approved NLIS devices or to apply for a NLIS account go to the NLIS website.

Order NLIS tags

There are different tags for cattle and buffalo, and sheep and goats.

To work out which tags you must order, get the guide to ordering NLIS devices.

Ordering NLIS devices DOCX (53.0 KB)
Ordering NLIS devices PDF (134.6 KB)

You can order tags from commercial suppliers. Use the relevant order form below.

Cattle and buffalo

Order form - permanent NLIS devices or FID for cattle/buffalo DOCX (64.3 KB)
Order form - permanent NLIS devices or FID for cattle/buffalo  PDF (141.5 KB)

Order form - transaction tags for buffalo DOCX (63.4 KB)
Order form - transaction tags for buffalo PDF (142.4 KB)

Sheep and goats

New NLIS electronic identification device (eID) are available for sheep and goats.

It connects to the NLIS and allows for individual identification.

From 1 January 2025, this will be mandatory.

The Livestock Biosecurity team is working with the Australian Government to roll them out.

Order them and get a reimbursement using the forms below.

Order form for permanent approved NLIS eID tags for sheep and goats DOCX (70.7 KB)
Order form for permanent approved NLIS eID tags for sheep and goats PDF (212.6 KB)

Sheep and goat eID equipment reimbursement application PDF (195.3 KB)
Sheep and goat eID equipment reimbursement application DOCX (68.1 KB)

To find out more about the eIDs, get the fact sheet PDF (1.4 MB) or watch the video on Vimeo.

When stock can be moved without an NLIS tag

You can apply to the registrar to move untagged stock in the following circumstances:

  • natural disasters, including cyclone, flood or fire - when livestock have been forced to move from their original property and need to be moved back home or to another property to avoid stock losses
  • to return stray cattle from a neighbouring property.

Permission will not be granted in the following circumstances:

  • not enough time to organise devices or tags
  • lack of equipment or staff
  • poor infrastructure
  • not enough time allowed for tagging.

Apply for permission

To apply for permission to move stock without NLIS tags, follow these steps.

Step 1. Fill in the application.

Application to move livestock without a permanent identification device or transaction tags DOCX (64.6 KB)
Application to move livestock without a permanent identification device or transaction tags PDF (168.2 KB)

Step 2. Email application to

For enquiries contact the principal livestock regulatory officer and registrar by calling  08 8973 9703 or emailing

Information for NT livestock owners

Although the NLIS is a national system, the following set of guides about how the system operates in the NT has been developed for local producers.

Topic Word version PDF version

Sending and receiving cattle

Getting started with NLIS   DOCX (59.7 KB)Getting started with  NLIS PDF (116.2 KB)

Devices and tags which have been approved for use on livestock in the NT

Approved identification devices for livestock in the NT DOCX (67.5 KB)

Approved identification devices for livestock in the NT PDF (135.1 KB)

Correct place to put a tag in the off-side - RHS- ear

Correct NLIS device application DOCX (80.0 KB)

Correct NLIS device application PDF (112.5 KB)

How to open an NLIS account

Opening an account with the NLIS database DOCX (59.9 KB)

Opening an account with the NLIS database PDF (117.3 KB)

What to do when agistment cattle leave a property

NLIS devices for agistment cattle DOCX (70.1 KB)

NLIS devices for agistment cattle PDF (118.1 KB)

Information for smallholders with cattle

NLIS for cattle producers with small holdings DOCX (249.9 KB)

NLIS for cattle producers with small holdings PDF (178.0 KB)

How to manage the NLIS for cattle unloaded at a trucking or dip yard for any period of time and for any purpose  NLIS for trucking yards and dip yards DOCX (62.5 KB)NLIS for trucking yards and dip yards PDF (97.0 KB)
NLIS for live export cattle NLIS live export cattle DOCX (62.5 KB)  NLIS live export cattle PDF (98.4 KB) 

Requirements for NT abattoirs

NLIS for NT abattoirs DOCX (63.0 KB)  NLIS for NT abattoirs PDF (100.9 KB) 
NLIS responsibilities for the owner of a showground or rodeo ground NLIS for shows, rodeos, sporting events DOCX (62.4 KB)NLIS for shows, rodeos, sporting events PDF (97.7 KB)
How the NLIS applies to NT buffalo industry NLIS for buffalo in the NT DOCX (62.5 KB)NLIS for buffalo in the NT PDF (116.6 KB)


For help with NLIS issues in the NT, contact the principal livestock regulatory officer and registrar or the livestock officer at Livestock Biosecurity in your region.

Other NLIS contact

For assistance with the NLIS database contact the database helpdesk by:

You can also go to the NLIS website. For NLIS contacts in other states get the interstate contact information fact sheet.

NLIS interstate contact information DOCX (63.8 KB)
NLIS interstate contact information PDF (56.0 KB)