A-Z list of weeds in the NT
This page has information to help you identify different weeds in the Northern Territory (NT).
It also describes the impacts of weeds and control methods you can use.
Some weeds are declared. It is illegal to grow, sell, transport or use a declared species in the NT. There are other legal requirements depending on the declaration class. Find out how to comply with the law.
Declared weeds may be grouped into the following classes:
- class A - eradicate
- class B - control
- class C - prevent entry
- class D - prevent spread by the actions of persons.
All class A and class B weeds are also class C weeds.
If a weed is declared, all landholders, land managers and land users must comply with the declaration classification. They must also follow the general duties under the Weeds Management Act 2001.
Get the current list of declared weeds in the NT PDF (897.2 KB).
Common name | Scientific name | Declared NT | WoNS | Plant type |
Alligator weed | Alternanthera philoxeroides | A | Yes | Aquatic |
Amazon frogbit | Limnobium laevigatum | C | Aquatic | |
Athel pine | Tamarix aphylla | A/B | Yes | Tree |
Bathurst burr | Xanthium spinosum | B | Herb | |
Bellyache bush | Jatropha gossypiifolia | A/B (zoned) | Yes | Shrub |
Brazilian pepper | Schinus terebinthifolius | A/B (zoned) | Tree | |
Buffel grass | Cenchrus ciliaris | Yes | Grass | |
Cabomba | Cabomba caroliniana | A | Yes | Aquatic |
Candle bush | Senna alata | B | Shrub | |
Castor oil plant | Ricinus communis | B | Shrub | |
Cats claw creeper | Dolichandra unguis-cati | A | Yes | Vine |
Chinee apple | Ziziphus mauritiana | A | Tree | |
Devils claw | Martynia annua | A | Herb | |
Fountain grass | Cenchrus setaceus | B | Grass | |
Gamba grass | Andropogon gayanus | A/B (zoned) | Yes | Grass |
Grader grass | Themeda quadrivalvis | B | Grass | |
Grewia | Grewia asiatica | Not declared | Shrub | |
Knobweed | Hyptis capitata | B | Herb | |
Hyptis | Hyptis suaveolens | B | Herb | |
Khaki weed | Alternanthera pungens | B | Herb | |
Lantana | Lantana camara | B | Yes | Shrub |
Lantana, creeping | Lantana montevidensis | B | Shrub | |
Limnocharis | Limnocharis flava | C | Aquatic | |
Mesquite | Prosopis spp. | A | Yes | Tree |
Mexican feather grass | Nasella tenuissima | A | Grass | |
Mexican poppy | Argemone ochroleuca | B | Herb | |
Mimosa | Mimosa pigra | A/B (zoned) | Yes | Shrub |
Common sensitive plant | Mimosa pudica | B | Shrub | |
Mission grass, annual | Cenchrus pedicellatus | Not declared | Grass | |
Mission grass, perennial | Cenchrus polystachios | B | Grass | |
Mossman River grass | Cenchrus echinatus | B | Grass | |
Neem | Azadirachta indica | B | Tree | |
Noogoora burr | Xanthium strumarium | B | Herb | |
Olive hymenachne | Hymenachne amplexicaulis | B | Yes | Grass |
Parkinsonia | Parkinsonia aculeata | B | Yes | Tree |
Parthenium weed | Parthenium hysterophorus | A | Yes | Herb |
Physic nut | Jatropha curcas | A | Shrub | |
Pistia | Pistia stratiotes | B | Aquatic | |
Pond apple | Annona glabra | A | Yes | Tree |
Prickly acacia | Vachellia nilotica | A | Yes | Tree |
Prickly pear | Opuntia spp. | A | Yes | Shrub |
Rope cactus | Austrocylindropuntia spp., Cylindropuntia spp. | A | Yes | Shrub |
Rubber bush | Calotropis procera | B (zoned) | Shrub | |
Rubber vine | Cryptostegia grandiflora | A | Yes | Vine |
Rubber vine, ornamental | Cryptostegia madagascariensis | A | Vine | |
Saffron thistle | Carthamus lanatus | B | Herb | |
Sagittaria | Sagittaria platyphylla | A | Yes | Aquatic |
Salvinia | Salvinia molesta | B | Yes | Aquatic |
Siam weed | Chromolaena odorata | C | Yes | Shrub |
Sida | Sida acuta, Sida cordifolia, Sida rhombifolia | B | Shrub | |
Snakeweed | Stachytarpheta spp. | B | Shrub | |
Spiny emex | Emex australis | B | Herb | |
Star burr | Acanthospermum hispidum | B | Herb | |
Thatch grass | Hyparrhenia rufa | A | Grass | |
Thornapples | Datura spp. (other than D. ferox) | Not declared | Herb | |
Thornapple, longspine | Datura ferox | A | Herb | |
Water hyacinth | Eichhornia crassipes | A | Yes | Aquatic |
Water mimosa | Neptunia oleroides, Neptunia plena | A | Aquatic |
More information
For more information, go to the Australian Government's Department of Environment and Energy website.
To access technical publications on weed management, go to the Department of Lands, Planning and Environment website.
To find out more about how to identify and control weeds, contact the Weed Management Branch.
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