Remote town job profiles
This page lists job profiles and information about businesses across 28 remote towns in the Northern Territory (NT).
The information is based on the NT Remote Towns Jobs Survey carried out in 2011, 2014, 2017 and 2023. Data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics is also used.
It tells government, industry, businesses and contractors about employment opportunities and business capabilities in the towns.
It can also be used in service planning and delivery or as a workforce planning tool.
Information provided in the job profiles
The job profiles contain the following data about each remote town:
- filled jobs and vacant jobs available at the time of reporting - including all of the following:
- permanent and temporary jobs
- Aboriginal status of employees
- public and private sector jobs
- full-time and part-time jobs
- age groups
- gender
- occupation - Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupation
- industry - Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification
- Community Development Programme (CDP) job seekers
- Vocational Education Training (VET) students and participation
- numbers and characteristics of businesses by sector - public and private
- population related statistics including:
- distribution by age and gender
- unemployment and participation rates by Aboriginal status.
Find out more about the collection of data.
2023 summary of jobs profiles in remote towns
Get the 28 remote towns jobs profile infographic - 2023 PDF (1.0 MB).
Get the 21 remote towns jobs profile infographic - 2011 to 2023 PDF (1.0 MB).
Figures are point-in-time results. Population in remote NT towns is transient. You should use caution when using or interpreting the data.
The Department of Trade, Business and Asian Relations does not endorse the use of this data for commercial purposes.
Current jobs profiles by town
Job profiles are available for the following remote towns:
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