Wastewater management


Wastewater is contaminated water produced in homes, businesses, commercial and public facilities.

We produce wastewater when we use:

  • toilets
  • showers
  • baths
  • sinks
  • washing machines.

What's in wastewater

Wastewater is made up of things that end up being flushed down the toilet or put down the drain such as:

  • human waste
  • solids like toilet paper
  • food scraps
  • fats and oils
  • soaps
  • chemicals.

Types of wastewater

There are two types of wastewater that we produce:

  • greywater – from showers, baths, sinks and laundries
  • blackwater – from toilets.

What happens to wastewater

All wastewater has to be removed in some way.

Wastewater from most households ends up in sewerage.

The sewer transports the wastewater to a sewerage treatment facility where it is treated and managed.

Some properties aren’t connected to sewerage and rely on other ways to remove wastewater.

If you are not connected to sewerage

If your property isn’t connected to sewerage, you will need to install a wastewater management system (WMS).

These systems store, treat and dispose of domestic wastewater on the premises.

Types of wastewater management systems

Wastewater management systems include:

  • septic tank systems
  • secondary treatment systems
  • recirculating evapotranspiration systems
  • holding tank with pump out
  • wet composting toilets
  • greywater treatment systems
  • waterless composting systems.

How to install a system

If you want to install a WMS in the Northern Territory (NT), you must engage a licensed plumber and drainer.

A WMS must meet certain standards to minimise public health and environmental risks.

Before you begin, you should speak to a licensed plumber and drainer to decide which WMS is best for you.

The installation process may involve different government agencies and hydraulic consultants depending on:

Rules and guidance for industry

If you are designing, installing or maintaining a WMS in the NT, you must meet certain codes and guidelines.

Wastewater management systems in building control areas

If you want to install a septic tank or other wastewater management system (WMS) in a building control area, you must follow certain rules.

Before you install

Systems in building control areas:

  • are regulated by the Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics and
  • must comply with the Building Act 1993.

You can check if your property is in a building control area on the NT Land Information System website.

Read more about building control areas.


Property owners and professionals have responsibilities around the WMS installation process.

Property owner

As the property owner, you must make sure the WMS is installed and certified by the right professionals.

Read below to find out who can install and certify a WMS.


It is up to the installing and certifying professionals to ensure the system meets the following:

For more information about the WMS process and technical requirements, read waste management systems in building control areas PDF (343.4 KB).

Who can install your WMS

A WMS must be installed and maintained by a licensed plumber and drainer.

Find a licensed plumber and drainer on the Plumbers and Drainers Licensing Board website.

Who can certify your WMS

All systems must be certified by a building practitioner.

Choosing the right practitioner will depend on:

  • the size and complexity of the system and
  • whether it is installed with other building works.

If your plumber and drainer is also a building practitioner, they may be able to certify the WMS.

Check with your plumber or building certifier.

Systems that treat less than 2,000L of wastewater a day

If your WMS has product approval and will treat less than 2,000L of wastewater a day, you can use one of the following building practitioners:

  • certifying plumber and drainer
  • certifying plumber and drainer (design) or
  • certifying engineer (hydraulic).

To find a registered building practitioner, search the Public Register of Building Practitioners.

Systems that treat more than 2,000L or are complex designs

You must engage a certifying engineer (hydraulic) if your WMS is:

  • likely to treat more than 2,000L of wastewater a day
  • a complex design and does not have product approval or
  • a community WMS.

How to install

The process for installing a WMS depends on whether you want to install it:

  • alongside other works or
  • on its own.

Install a wastewater system alongside other works

To install the WMS at the same time as building a house, industrial or commercial development, it must be included as part of your building permit.

After the WMS is installed, your plumber and drainer must contact Building Advisory Services (BAS) before the works are covered.

Before granting an occupancy permit, the building certifier may need:

  • a compliance certificate for the WMS and
  • any referenced plans.

Install a wastewater system on its own

To install a WMS without any other building work, for example replacing or upgrading an existing system, a permit for plumbing-only works will be included on the building record.

Your plumber must do the following:

  • contact BAS:
    • before starting work and
    • after installation - before the works are covered
  • ensure a compliance certificate is:
    • completed by a building practitioner and
    • submitted to BAS within seven days of the completed work to be kept on the building record for your property.

If your plumber is also a registered building practitioner, such as a certifying plumber and drainer, they may be able to issue the compliance certificate.


For more information, contact BAS.

Wastewater management systems outside building control areas

If you want to install a wastewater management system (WMS) outside a building control area, you must follow certain rules.

Systems installed outside building control areas are regulated by the Department of Health (DoH).

They are subject to the:

You can check if your property is in a building control area on the NT Land Information System website.

Changes to regulations

On 2 November 2020, changes were made to the way WMSs are regulated in the NT.

These changes are part of the amended Public and Environmental Health Regulations 2014.

Changes include:

  • updated code of practice for wastewater management
  • code of practice for product approval of on-site WMSs.

WMS designers, installers and other industry professionals must follow the new regulations for all WMSs installed outside a building control area.

Before you start

Read the administrative procedures on how to install a WMS outside building control areas.

Administrative procedures to install a wastewater management system outside building control areas PDF (255.7 KB)
Administrative procedures to install a wastewater management system outside building control areas DOCX (664.8 KB)

Notify the department

You must notify the DoH if you want to install:

  • a WMS that treats more than 2,000 litres per day or
  • multiple systems that treat more than 2,000 litres per day.

You must do this before you start any work.

Get your system certified

You must get the design and installation of your WMS certified.

You should engage a:

  • hydraulic consultant to certify the design
  • licensed plumber and drainer to certify the installation.

A hydraulic consultant can either be a:

  • certifying engineer (hydraulic) or
  • certifying plumber and drainer (design).

How to apply

To notify the department about installing a WMS, follow these steps:

Step 1. Get your hydraulic consultant to fill in the notification to install a WMS outside a building control area DOCX (71.0 KB).

Step 2. You must sign the notification form.

Step 3. Pay the fee at your nearest Receiver of Territory Monies office.

Step 4. Email your form with receipt of payment to wastewater@nt.gov.au.


For more information, email wastewater@nt.gov.au.

Reuse greywater at home

Greywater is domestic wastewater that comes from kitchens, bathrooms and laundries.

It does not include wastewater from toilets or urinals.

When managed properly, greywater can be reused on lawns and gardens.

Read below to find out more about recycling greywater from your home.

What's in greywater

Greywater can contain:

  • dirt
  • food
  • grease
  • detergents, soaps and chemicals
  • salts
  • harmful micro-organisms.

If it's not managed correctly, it can be a risk to human health and the environment.

Benefits of using greywater

When used responsibly, greywater can be:

  • a source of irrigation water all year round
  • a relatively easy and safe source of water to access and use
  • a good source of nutrients for plants.

Reusing greywater on your garden

When reusing greywater on your garden, remember the following:

  • Don't use kitchen wastewater on your garden – it contains fats, oils and grease which can:
    • reduce the amount of air to plants and
    • harm micro-organisms
  • Keep children away from areas where greywater is used until it has soaked into the ground.
  • Don't let greywater form puddles or run off onto other properties, watercourses and drains.
  • Don't keep watering in one spot - salts and other contaminants will build up.
  • Rotate greywater use with mains and rain water - this will help flush salts from the soil.
  • Don't overwater your plants.
  • If plants are damaged, reduce the amount of water used or try a bigger irrigation area.

How to apply greywater

You can apply greywater to your garden using a:

  • bucket or temporary hose
  • greywater diversion device.

Bucket or temporary hose

Using a bucket or temporary hose is the easiest way to apply greywater.

Don’t store or keep the water for more than a day. Storage can lead to spills and bad odours.

Avoid doing this when it’s raining or soil is saturated to stop greywater running into neighbouring properties.

Greywater diversion device

If you want to permanently divert greywater to your garden, you can install a greywater diversion device (GDD) on your property.

A GDD diverts greywater to a small holding tank and then to an irrigation system that’s below the soil surface.

These systems should be self-draining so that greywater isn't stored for more than a day.

They also have a valve to make it is easy to divert greywater directly to the sewer when it’s raining or when the soil is saturated.

Rules for your GDD

You don’t need approval to install a GDD, but your device must be:

  • installed for a single house only
  • installed by a licensed plumber and drainer
  • connected to sewerage or septic tank.

When using a GDD, you must not:

  • store greywater for long periods
  • use kitchen wastewater
  • use greywater for spray irrigation - the system must release it below the ground’s surface.

Managing kitchen wastewater

Most systems exclude kitchen wastewater from the waste stream because it’s difficult to treat.

You must divert it to a sewer (or septic tank).

Managing laundry wastewater

Most manufacturers advise against using greywater from the laundry trough when it is polluted with:

  • dirty nappies
  • soiled clothing
  • cleaning chemicals.

Read your system’s manual for further instructions.

Reusing treated greywater indoors

You can only use treated wastewater for indoor use in a single house.

Greywater can be reused for clothes washing and toilet flushing.

You must get a licensed plumber and drainer to carry out the internal plumbing works.

Guidelines for using greywater

Follow these guidelines for using greywater responsibly:

  • Don't use greywater if other people in the house are sick.
  • Don't use greywater from washing clothes covered in vomit or faeces - this includes nappies.
  • Don't keep untreated greywater for more than 24 hours to avoid spillage and bad odours.
  • Try not to splash greywater.
  • Wash your hands before eating, drinking or smoking.

Apply for product approval

All on-site wastewater systems with a design flow of up to 2,000 litres per day must be approved before they can be sold and installed in the Northern Territory (NT).

If you are a manufacturer or importer of a wastewater management system (WMS), you can apply to get your product approved.

By getting approval, you are authorised to install that particular system anywhere in the NT, subject to compliance with conditions.

You can also apply to get your product varied or extended.

Read below for more information.

Before you apply

Before you apply, read the the code of practice for product approval of on-site WMSs:

Code of practice for product approval of on-site wastewater management systems PDF (248.3 KB)
Code of practice for product approval of on-site wastewater management systems  DOCX (192.3 KB)

How to apply

To apply for product approval, follow these steps:

Step 1. Fill in the application for product approval of an on-site wastewater system form DOCX (69.1 KB).

Step 2. Submit your supporting documents. This includes:

  • a covering letter
  • manufacturer's specifications
  • product certificates.

Step 3. Pay the fee and submit your form.

Product approvals are valid for five years. You will need to extend your approval after this time

List of approved products

If you're a certified plumber installing a wastewater system, it must be approved to use in the Northern Territory.

This includes the following wastewater systems.

The following table lists certified composting and hybrid toilets.

ManufacturerProduct Approval number Approval expires
DS Agencies
PO Box 165
Morley WA 6943
Phone: 08 6143 6565
Gough plastics hybrid toilet systems:
6EP, 10EP, 25EP, 50EP, 100EP
Microflush pedestal
Paper dampener system
2021/4106EH 24/10/2026
Ecoflo Wastewater Management
25 Shannon Place
Virginia QLD 4014
Phone: 07 3889 6144
CM-LP (Nature Loo 650) (EP2) & CM-HP (Nature Loo 850) (EP4)
Sun-Mar Centrex 3000 (EP6), 3000 NE (EP6), 3000 A/F (EP6), 3000 A/F NE (EP6)
2022/4539EH 13/07/2027
Clivus Multrum: CM-8 (EP5), CM-10 (EP7), CM-14 (EP9), CM-20 (EP13)
Ecolet: NE Separera 30 (EP2), 25e (EP3), 65e (EP4), NE Slimline (EP2)
2022/4540EH 13/07/2027
Nature Loo Alectura Comfort (EP3-4) & Nature Loo Alectura Premium (EP4-5) 2023/5356EH 23/11/2028
Green Loo Pty Ltd
3-4, 17A Ern Harley Drive
Burleigh Heads QLD 4220
Phone: 1300 85 99 35
GT120 (EP4) & GT 330 (EP8) 2022/35168-04 12/06/2029
Enviro Loo: D2010 (10EP), C2020 (20EP), B2030 (30EP) & I1040 (40EP) 2022/4271EH 15/02/2027
GL90 (3EP)2022/4427EH20/05/2027
Oz-E-Pod  (2EP)2022/4435EH20/05/2027
Kiel Industries
87-93 Tramway Road
Morwell VIC 3840
Phone: 03 5135 3900
Rota-Loo RL650 (4EP)
Rota-Loo RL950 (8EP)
Rota-Loo Maxi RL2000 (20EP)
2022/4555EH 21/08/2027

The following table lists certified greywater treatment systems.

ManufacturerProductMaterialDescription Approval number Approval expires
Suncoast Wastewater Management
59 Industrial Avenue
Kunda Park QLD 4556
Phone: 1800 450 767
Ozzikleen GTS10 Polyethylene One tank system for up to 10 people 2022/4560EH 04/08/2027

The following table lists secondary treatment systems. They are certified to the latest Australian Standard - AS1546.3:2017.

ManufacturerProductMaterialDescription Approval number Approval expires
Alphatreat Pty Ltd
9 Mackie Way
Brendale QLD 4500
Phone: 07 3205 3666
Alphatreat DP10 STS Polymer Two tank system with a maximum flow of 1,500 litres per day, up to 10 people 2022/4385EH 3/05/2027

As above

Alphatreat DP10 AS Polypropylene Two tank system with a maximum flow of 1,500 litres per day, up to 10 people 2023/4916EH 14/03/2028
Everhard Industries
454 Newman Road
Geebung QLD 4036
Aqua Advanced Polymer Polyethylene/polypropylene Two tank system for up to 8 people 2021/3682EH 22/02/2026
As above Aqua Advanced Concrete Concrete Two tank system for up to 8 people 2021/3682EH 22/02/2026
FujiClean Australia
3/16 Waterway Drive
Coomera QLD 4209
Phone: 1300 733 619
FujiClean ACE 1200 8EPFibreglass reinforced plasticSingle tank system for up to 8 people 2020/3246EH 15/07/2025
As above FujiClean ACE 3000 20EP Fibreglass reinforced plastic Single tank system for up to 20 people 2022/4227EH 11/01/2027
Global Rotomoulding Pty Ltd
14 Nans Road
Helidon QLD 4344
Phone: 07 4697 7099
UBI Aqua AWC1500 10EPPolyethyleneSeptic tank system with 2 x wet cell reed beds with a maximum flow of 1,500 litres per day, up to 10 people2022/35168-0402/04/2029
Ri-Industries Development Pty Ltd
618 South Road
Angle Park SA 5010
Phone: 08 8444 8100
Ri-Treat EP10 STS Concrete Single tank system for up to 10 people 2022/4562EH 03/08/2028
Suncoast Waste Water Management
59 Industrial Avenue
Kunda Park QLD 4556
Phone: 1800 450 767
Ozzikleen RP10
Ozzikleen RP10A+
Ozzikleen RP10S
Ozzikleen RP10S+
Polyethylene One tank system for up to 10 people 2022/4563EH 04/08/2027
Taylex Australia Pty Ltd
56 Prairie Road
Ormeau QLD 4208
Phone: 07 3441 5200
Taylex ABS 1500 and PABS 1500 10EPConcrete (ABS) and polyethylene (PABS)Single tank system with a maximum flow of 1,500 litre per day, up to 10 people 2020/3459EH 1/10/2025
As above Taylex ABS5000 33EP Concrete Two tank system with a maximum flow of 5,000 litres per day, up to 33 people 2022/4255EH 4/02/2027
As above Taylex ABSNR-1350
Concrete Single tank system  with a maximum flow of 1,350 litres per day up to 9 people 2023/4917EH 20/03/2028
As above PABSNR-1350
Polyethylene Single tank system  with a maximum flow of 1,350 litres per day up to 9 people 2023/4917EH 20/03/2028
As above Taylex ABSNR-2000
Concrete Single tank system with a maximum flow of 2000 litres per day, up to 13 people 2023/4918EH 20/03/2028
As above PABSNR-2000
Polyethylene Single tank system with a maximum flow of 2000 litres per day, up to 13 people 2023/4918EH 20/03/2028

The following table lists certified septic tanks.

ManufacturerProductMaterial Approval number Approval expires
All-Cast (NT) Drainage Systems
Lot 1041 Makagon Road
Berrimah NT 0828
Phone: 08 8947 2981
4000L horizontal axis septic tank and riser Concrete 2020/3052EH 1/09/2026
Aqua Treat (NT)
101 Reichardt Road
Winnellie NT 0820
Phone: 08 8947 2133
3000L, 4000L and 5000L vertical axis septic tanks Concrete 2021/4130EH 1/07/2026
9 Huggett Drive
Dalwallinu WA 6609
Phone: 08 9661 0610
1450L, 2200L, 4000L and 7000L septic tanks and collection wells

SEP3200 (including baffle) & SEP3200-X (no baffle) septic tank and pump pits (VUT600, VUT900 and VUT1200)

SEP-7000, 11000, 15000, 19000, 23000, 27000 and 31000 septic tanks and collection wells






Darwin Fibreglass Pools and Spas
106 Winnellie Road
Winnellie NT 0820
Phone: 08 8947 1192
3000L and 4000L vertical axis septic tanks Fibreglass 2022/4527EH 1/07/2027
Everhard Industries
454 Newman Road
Geebung QLD 4034
Phone: 07 3637 6444
3000L and 4000L vertical axis septic tanks/ collection wells and 250/450L pump wells Polypropylene 2022/4607EH 28/08/2028
Global Rotomoulding Pty Ltd
14 Nans Road
Helidon QLD 4344
Phone: 07 4697 7099
GR-SP3000L, GR-SP4500L & GR-SP6000L septic tanksPolyethylene2022/35168-0302/04/2029
Graf Australia Pty Ltd
23 Success Way
Henderson WA 6166
Phone: 1300 131 971
Carat 2700L, 3750L, 4800L and 6500L horizontal axis septic tanks Polypropylene 2022/4565EH 03/01/2028
Polymaster Pty Ltd
161 Karinie Street
Swan Hill VIC 3585
Phone: 03 5033 9000
ST3100L and ST4550L septic tanks Polyethylene 2023/5216EH 28/08/2028
14B Williamson Road
Ingleburn NSW 2565
Phone: 02 9605 9999
3200L and 4000L vertical axis septic and holding tanks and 450/600L and 1200/1000/900L pump wells Polypropylene 2022/4288EH 10/02/2027
Ri-Industries Development Pty Ltd
618 South Road
Angle Park SA 5010
Phone: 08 8444 8100
3250L septic tank and 4300L and 5000L septic tanks/holding tanksConcrete2022/4568EH03/08/2028
Terracorp Industries
9 Beresford Road
Yarrawonga NT 0830
Phone: 08 8932 8222
3000L vertical axis septic tank Polyethylene Prod2021/025 23/05/2026
Worm Farm Waste Systems Pty Ltd
1/10 Trewhitt Court
Dromana VIC 3936
Phone: 03 5979 1887
A & A Worm Farm Waste SystemsPolypropylene or concrete2018/123491/03/2029

Wastewater management codes and guidelines

If you design or install wastewater management systems (WMSs) in the Northern Territory (NT), you must meet certain rules and regulations.

The documents below provide guidance on how to meet your requirements.

Changes to regulations

On 2 November 2020, changes were made to the way WMSs are regulated in the NT.

These changes are part of the amended Public and Environmental Health Regulations.

They include:

  • updated code of practice for wastewater management
  • code of practice for product approval of on-site WMS.

Changes were also made to the Building Regulations 1993 on 28 April 2021. The regulations adopt the updated code of practice for wastewater management for use inside building control areas.

WMS designers, installers, building practitioners and other industry professionals must follow the regulations for all WMSs in the NT.

Code of practice for WMSs

If you want to install a WMS in the NT, you must comply with the technical requirements of the code of practice for wastewater management.

Code of practice for wastewater management PDF (1.0 MB)
Code of practice for wastewater management DOCX (443.6 KB)

It provides:

  • guidance for selecting, designing, installing and managing WMSs in the NT
  • best practice for effective wastewater management based on current standards and guidelines.

Other codes and guidance notes

Read other wastewater management codes and guidance notes in the table below.

Document Purpose
Guidance notes for wastewater management PDF (590.2 KB)
Guidance notes for wastewater management DOCX (260.7 KB)
These guidance notes apply to WMSs outside building control areas.

They provide additional information to the code of practice for wastewater management.
Code of practice for product approval of on-site wastewater management systems PDF (248.3 KB)
Code of practice for product approval of on-site wastewater management systems DOCX (192.3 KB)
This code sets the minimum requirements for manufacturers to get product approval by the chief health officer to produce or sell their OWMS in the NT.
2014 code of practice for on-site wastewater management PDF (6.4 MB)
2014 code of practice for on-site wastewater management DOCX (7.1 MB)
Use this code as a reference for WMS installations carried out before the new code was introduced.

Wastewater fees

The following fees apply for wastewater applications and notifications:

ApplicationRevenue unitsFees
Application for grant of product approval500$705
Application to vary product approval150$211
Application to renew product approval 150$211
Notification for installation of wastewater management system outside a building control area150$211
Notification for low-exposure recycled water scheme200$282
Approval for high-exposure recycled water scheme500$705

Find out more about revenue units.

How to pay fees

Pay your fee at your nearest Receiver of Territory Monies office.

You can pay with a credit card by phone. MasterCard or Visa are accepted.

You will need to provide the following information:

  • advise that you are paying an environmental health fee
  • the type of application
  • the fee in dollars
  • the name and email address of the applicant
  • the name of the system or site address.

After you pay

After you've paid, you will receive a tax invoice by email after the payment is made.

You should email a copy of it along with your application to wastewater@nt.gov.au.

Recycled water

If you are a company or organisation that supplies recycled water in the Northern Territory (NT), you must meet certain public health and environmental regulations.

Read the code of practice for water recycling.

Code of practice for water recycling PDF (1.1 MB)
Code of practice for water recycling DOCX (778.2 KB)

You should also read the administrative procedures.

Administrative procedures for water recycling PDF (244.9 KB)
Administrative procedures for water recycling DOCX (659.4 KB)

How recycled water is used

Recycled water can be used for different purposes such as irrigating:

  • parks
  • sports fields
  • crops.

Types of recycled water schemes

Recycled water use is categorised into two schemes, depending on the level of exposure to the public:

  • low exposure
  • high exposure.

Low-exposure recycled water schemes

Common low-exposure uses of recycled water include:

  • irrigation of:
    • public open spaces (such as playing fields and parks)
    • pasture and fodder crops
    • heavily processed food crops
    • non-food crops
  • dust suppression on mining or construction sites.

To help you meet your water quality requirements for low-exposure use, you can use the spreadsheets below.

High-exposure recycled water schemes

High exposure recycled water schemes include supplying recycled water to:

  • increase a supply of drinking water via a source supply (eg. a dam)
  • support a development by way of a dual reticulation system
  • irrigate minimally processed food crops.

For help and guidance, get the information sheets and templates below.

If you want to supply recycled water for low exposure use, you must notify the Department of Health.

To notify the department, follow these steps:

Step 1. Get a hydraulic consultant to fill in a notification for low-exposure recycled water scheme DOCX (61.4 KB).

Step 2. Attach any supporting information.

Step 3. You must sign the form.

Step 4. Pay the fee to the Receiver of Territory Monies.

Step 5. Email your form with the receipt of payment to wastewater@ntg.gov.au.

If you want to supply recycled water for high exposure use, you must get approval from the Department of Health.

To apply for approval, follow these steps:

Step 1. Get a hydraulic consultant to fill in an application for approval for high-exposure recycled water scheme DOCX (62.1 KB).

Step 2. Attach your supporting information including the following checklists:

Step 3. You must sign the form.

Step 4. Pay the fee to the NTG Receiver of Territory Monies.

Step 5. Email your form with the receipt of payment to wastewater@ntg.gov.au.


For more information, email wastewater@ntg.gov.au.