
Apply for an environmental (mining) licence

Once you have been granted a mineral title, you will need to apply for an environmental (mining) licence.

This is required under the Environment Protection Act 2019.

You must get this licence before starting any mining activity that causes substantial disturbance of the mining site.

The licence replaces the need for authorisation under the repealed Mining Management Act 2001.

Before you apply

Before applying for an environmental (mining) licence, check if your activity could:

  • cause a significant impact and
  • require an environmental impact assessment.

If it:

  • may have a significant impact - you must first refer the proposed activity to the Northern Territory Environment Protection Authority (NT EPA) for their consideration
  • won't have a significant impact - you can proceed to apply for an environmental mining licence.

If the NT EPA accepts the referral and decides your activity needs an assessment, you must get an environmental approval by the Minister for Environment before a licence can be issued.

To find out more, go to the NT EPA website.

How to apply

Only a mining operator can apply or be granted an environment (mining) licence.

To apply for a licence, follow these steps:

Step 1. Review the risk criteria and standard conditions

Find out which licence category is appropriate for your activity by reviewing any declared risk criteria and standard conditions that apply to your activity.

If no risk criteria applies, you must apply for a tailored condition licence.

Step 2. Apply for the relevant licence category

The category depends on your ability to meet the criteria and conditions for your activity.

Standard condition licence

Apply for this licence if you meet both the risk criteria and standard conditions.

Fill in the form based on your activity:

Application for a standard condition licence - exploration
Application for a standard condition licence - extractives

Public comment periods don't apply for standard condition licence applications.

Modified condition licence

Apply for this licence if you meet the risk criteria but not the standard conditions.

Fill in the form based on your activity:

Application for a modified condition licence - exploration
Application for a modified condition licence - extractives 

The department will publish the application for a public comment period of:

  • 15 business days for exploration and extractive operations
  • 25 business days for mining operations.

Tailored condition licence

Apply for this licence if:

  • you can't meet the risk criteria or standard conditions applicable for your activity or
  • no applicable risk criteria have been declared.

Fill in the form based on your activity:

Application for a tailored condition licence - exploration
Application for a tailored condition licence - extractives

The department will publish the application for a public comment period of:

  • 25 business days for exploration and extractive operations
  • 30 business days for mining operations.

Step 3. Assessment and minister's decision

The regulator assesses your application. The Minister for Environment decides whether to grant or refuse a licence.

Step 4. Pay the security deposit

If you're granted a licence, you will get a written notice confirming details of any mining security you need to pay under the licence.

You must pay the security to the Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade before starting activities.

Step 6. Approval to begin activities

The Minister for Mining will issue an authority to start or continue activities under the Mineral Titles Act 2010 within 10 business days of receiving the security deposit.

Once you have both the licence and notice, you can carry out your activity.