
Declared risk criteria and standard conditions

You must hold an environmental mining licence for mining activities that cause substantial disturbance.

This is required under the Environment Protection Act 2019.

The Minister for Environment can declare risk criteria and standard conditions to manage environmental risks and impacts of mining activities.

These criteria and conditions inform what licence category you need for your activities.

Draft risk criteria and standard conditions

To support implementation of the new licensing scheme, draft risk criteria and standard conditions have been prepared for these activities:

  • exploration for minerals or extractive minerals and
  • extractive operations for extractive minerals.

They are currently undergoing public consultation.

Make a submission

To review and make a submission on the draft criteria and conditions, go to the Have Your Say website.

Public consultation is open until 4pm Wednesday 17 July 2024.

After this time, the minister will finalise and publish the declaration of risk criteria and approved standard conditions.

If no risk criteria are declared for your activity, you should apply for a tailored condition licence.