Primary and secondary students
- About NT Certificate of Education and Training
- Age your child attends school
- Apply to a Centre for Excellence school
- Behaviour management for students and parents
- Bullying, cyberbullying and cybersafety
- Career options for school students
- Choose a school
- Distance and online learning
- Education in the NT
- Engagement programs for Aboriginal students
- English as a second language
- Enrol your child at school
- Get your student record
- Getting to and from school
- Home education
- Independent public schools
- Leaders of Tomorrow program
- List of urban and remote schools
- Northern Territory Board of Studies
- NT school curriculum
- Overseas exchange programs for NT students
- Pregnant and parenting students
- Private tuition
- Remote students and parents
- School excursions
- School fees and contributions
- School reports
- School term and holiday dates in NT
- School uniforms
- Secondary school art exhibition
- Stages of schooling
- Student health
- Student safety and wellbeing
- Technology in schools
- Year 12 results