Technology in schools

This page has information about technology in schools including email, internet, Microsoft Office software, student's computers and mobile devices and the appropriate use of technology.

Email in schools

When your child goes to Middle and Senior Secondary school they are provided with an NT Schools email address.

Emails can be accessed with Webmail from any computing device with an internet connection.

Internet in schools

Your child has access to the internet at school.

Your child's internet access is monitored and all access is filtered. The website filtering system blocks access to inappropriate material.

Wireless access in schools

Laptops linked to the NTSchools domain automatically connect to the NTSchools wireless network when students are in range.

Your child can connect their personal mobile devices such as iPads and smartphones to the NTSchools network as a guest using their personally owned internet user id and password.

Using personal devices in schools

Many schools provide students with access to laptops, tablets and computers. Your child can use their own device in schools to increase access to technology.

Microsoft Office 365

Your child has access to downloads of Microsoft Office software for personal computers including Macs, as well as free Office mobile apps for iPads, Androids and other mobile devices.

Your child has access to free cloud storage through MS O365 hosting services. This allows your child to continue to work on their office documents when offline.

If your child brings their own device to school they will not need to purchase Office software and will be able to access their cloud files from any device and any network.

Appropriate use of technology

Your child must access and use internet appropriately.

Inappropriate use of technology includes all of the following:

  • viewing, accessing, sending or forwarding material that is likely to demean or offend others, promote illegal activity or is harassing, intimidating or offensive
  • activity that will result in personal or financial gain
  • sending or forwarding SPAM or junk mail, unverified virus alerts, or chain letters
  • attempting to modify, test or defeat security safeguards
  • bypassing or attempting to bypass assigned resource limits, logon procedures or privileges
  • accessing or using another person’s e-mail, internet or telephone account without authorisation
  • interfering with the passwords or access rights of others
  • connecting any privately owned workstation or other network device to the NT government network without authorisation
  • violating copyright or software licence agreements
  • disclosing or removing third-party proprietary information.

If you are worried that your child is at risk when online go to the cyberbullying and cybersafety pages for more information.


Talk to the ICT coordinator at your child's school for more information.

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