Student health

This page has information on the management of infectious diseases, medical conditions, medical emergencies, drugs and alcohol, healthy eating and sun safety in schools.

Medical conditions and emergencies

Schools have staff qualified to administer first aid to deal with health issues and medical emergencies.

Infectious diseases

Schools have a duty of care to protect students and staff, and reduce the likelihood of the spread of infection.

If your child, or a member of staff, has an infectious disease they will be excluded from school.

Your child will not be excluded from school due to head lice or nits. If the school suspects your child has head lice or nits, they will send you a letter requesting you take action.

Go to the Department of Education and Training website for more on infectious diseases and periods of exclusion.

Severe medical conditions

If your child is diagnosed with a chronic or severe medical condition which requires medication whilst in the care of the school, please inform the school immediately.

This includes severe allergies where a student is at risk of anaphylaxis.

Student health care plan

You will be asked to complete a student health care plan form to assist the school in managing the condition.

If your child is enrolling in the school, the school will conduct a risk assessment and evaluation and put strategies into place until a health care plan has been developed.

Go to policies on the Department of Education and Training website for more information about treatment of medical conditions in schools.

Medical emergencies

If your child is involved in a medical emergency an ambulance will be called and you will be contacted.

School staff do not wait for parent approval before taking emergency action. This emergency response is part of the first aid training.

Drugs and alcohol

Drugs and alcohol are not permitted in Northern Territory schools.

All schools have a drug and alcohol policy and provide drug and alcohol awareness education.

Healthy eating

Schools encourage healthy eating and limit unhealthy foods in canteens, from vending machines or during school activities and excursions.

Food and drink available at school is classified according to the amount of nutrients. This is based on the Australian guide to healthy eating.

Go to policies on the Department of Education and Training website for more about the food provided at school.

Go to the Eat for Health website for more about healthy eating.

Sun safety

Your child's school promotes sun safety during school activities and excursions.

This includes all of the following:

  • using available shade for outdoor activities
  • planning activities so that the time spent in the midday sun is reduced
  • requesting students wear protective clothing including appropriate hats
  • providing students with an SPF 30+ broad spectrum water based sunscreen when needed.

Your child's school can provide more information on its sun safety policy.

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