Northern Territory Board of Studies

The Northern Territory Board of Studies (NTBOS) provides advice on curriculum, assessment, reporting and certification to all schools in the Northern Territory (NT).

They also issue certificates of educational attainment and manage student awards including the NT Certificate of Education and Training (NTCET).

The NTBOS's functions are to:

  • provide advice to the Minister for Education and the chief executive of the Department of Education and Training on curriculum, assessment and reporting policy for all NT schools
  • cooperate and consult with other educational bodies and authorities, such as the South Australian Certificate of Education Board.

For more information about the NTBOS, go to the Department of Education and Training website.

NTBOS awards

The NTBOS holds award ceremonies in the first two weeks of February each year in Alice Springs and Darwin.

They recognise the achievements of students in government and non-government schools across the NT.

For more information, go to the Department of Education and Training website.

You can also go to their website to find out about other education events and awards.


NT Board of Studies
Department of Education and Training

GPO Box 4821
Darwin NT 0801

Phone: 08 8944 9204
Fax: 08 8999 4363

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