About NT Certificate of Education and Training

Senior secondary students (Years 10-12) study towards the Northern Territory Certificate of Education and Training (NTCET).

The NTCET is based on and administered by the South Australian Certification of Education.

Obtaining an NTCET

The process is run in two stages:

  • stage 1 which most students complete in Year 11
  • stage 2 which most students complete in Year 12.

Modified NTCET

NTCET students with disabilities that affect intellectual or adaptive abilities can choose from 11 modified subjects to show their learning through different experiences.

Credits and grades

An NTCET is awarded based on a credit system.

Your child must gain 200 credits in a mix of compulsory and non-compulsory subjects across the two stages.

Results in stage 1 subjects are graded A to E and A+ to E- at stage 2.

For the compulsory subjects, a C grade or better is required to complete the NTCET.

Subjects studied

Compulsory subjects include the personal learning plan, English and mathematics.

The other subjects and courses span a wide range of learning areas including:

  • arts
  • business, enterprise and technology
  • English
  • languages
  • health and physical education
  • humanities and social sciences
  • mathematics
  • sciences.

Vocational and community learning

Your child can choose to incorporate NTCET studies with:

  • vocational education and training (VET) which provides skills for work, particularly in the trades and industry
  • community learning.

Community learning

Your child can earn NTCET credits for community learning in two ways:

  • community developed program - eg Australian Music Examinations Board, Duke of Edinburgh’s Award and St John Ambulance Australia
  • self-directed community learning -  informal community activities such as coaching a sports team, being the primary carer of a family member, or leading an environmental project in the community.

Admission to university

The NTCET is the main qualification for NT students to gain admission into university.

Your child's school can provide more information on the subjects, stages and credit system and vocational and community learning.

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