The National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) tests the essential skills your child needs to progress through school and life.
It provides information about their literacy and numeracy achievements.
Teachers also use the test to support and inform their judgment about how to help students with their learning.
What is tested
The test includes:
- writing
- reading
- conventions of language - spelling, grammar and punctuation
- numeracy.
Your child will take the test in years 3, 5, 7 and 9.
When the test will be held
From 2023, NAPLAN’s Australia-wide assessments will be held in term 1.
The test window will be from Wednesday 13 to Monday 25 March 2024.
Contact your child's school for more information about the tests.
For more information on NAPLAN, go to the National Assessment Program website.
Benefits of NAPLAN
The benefits of NAPLAN include the following:
- helps you track your child's progress
- compares their performance against national peers
- helps teachers identify students needing support
- enables schools to:
- map student progress
- identify strengths and weaknesses in teaching programs and goals
- provides valuable data to school systems and governments
- drives school improvement.
Results and reports
If your child participates in the NAPLAN test, you will get an individual report with their results.
For information on results and reports, go to the Department of Education and Training website.
Information for teachers
For NAPLAN information and resources for teachers, go to eLearn.
Talk to your child's teacher for more information on NAPLAN tests.
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