Choose a school
This page has information about schools in the Northern Territory (NT), choosing a school, priority enrolment and education precincts.
Information on schools
The education directory provides details of government and non-government schools in the NT.
Go to the MySchool website for information on a school's:
- profile
- enrolments
- financial information
- NAPLAN results
- Year 12 results where appropriate.
Priority enrolment
You can apply to enrol your child in a school of your choice, but priority is given to students living in the school's priority enrolment area.
If a school is approaching or has reached capacity, the school will decline applications from students who live outside its priority enrolment area.
Go to the Department of Education and Training website for more information about priority enrolment.
What to consider
When choosing a school for your child, you should consider all of the following:
- if the school caters for your child's needs and interests
- what facilities the school offers
- the school policies on homework, discipline and wellbeing
- what other activities and services are available - eg: after school care
- proximity to home, work and carers
- size of the school
- teaching methods and classroom environment
- assessment and reporting procedures
- extracurricular activities
- communication between home and school
- parental involvement - eg: school council.
It may help to visit the school, and talk to the principal and teachers.
School websites also have useful information on the culture and philosophy of a school and provide information on resources and activities.
Information is also available on the MySchool website.
Education precincts
All government schools in Darwin and Alice Springs are part of local education precincts where preschools, primary, middle and senior-year schools in a geographic area work together to ensure your child has a smooth transition through each stage of schooling.
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