Advertised planning applications

Some planning applications must be publicly advertised in the Northern Territory.

This includes:

  • development permits
  • planning scheme amendments (PSAs)
  • exceptional development permits
  • concurrent applications.

If an application is advertised, you can make a submission about it.

How to find out about a planning application

Planning applications are advertised through:


A pink or yellow sign on a block of land is a public notice of a planning application.

The signs can vary depending on the application type.

For example, a:

  • pink sign is used for development permits
  • yellow sign is used for:
    • a planning scheme amendment or
    • an exceptional development permit
  • yellow sign with a pink border is used for a concurrent application.

Sample of a notice of proposed development signageSample of a notice of proposed development (exceptional development permit) signage

Sample of a notice of proposed rezoning signageSample of a notice of concurrent application signage

Find advertised planning applications

To view all current advertised planning applications, go to the DAO website.

If you live near the proposed development, you may be notified by letter.

For different notification types, read planning application advertising requirements.

Applications that don't require public advertisement

Some applications are exempt from advertising requirements. To find out more, read:

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