Apply for a planning certificate
You can apply for a planning certificate if you need evidence of planning provisions and approvals that apply to your land.
A planning certificate will show all of the following if they apply to your land:
- all current development permits
- any development applications that were made in the last two years
- the planning scheme, strategic framework, overlays and zones
- any interim development control orders.
A planning certificate is considered proof of fact at the time of issue.
How to apply
To apply, follow the steps below:
Step 1. Submit your application
Submit a planning certificate application through the DAO website. You must apply for a separate certificate for each lot.
Step 2. Pay the fee
You must pay an application fee.
You can either pay:
- online through the DAO website - the preferred payment method
- in person by cash or card at your nearest planning office.
All fees are non-refundable, even if your application is unsuccessful.
After you apply
Read below to find out what happens after you submit your application.
Processing time
The processing time can vary considerably, based on the location and complexity of the search.
Decision maker
The decision maker is the Minister for Land, Planning and Environment
Administrating branch
The administrating branch is Development Assessment Services. Contact a planner.
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