Certificate of compliance for subdivision
You will need a certificate of compliance for subdivision, also known as a part 5 clearance, to:
- confirm that your survey plans match the endorsed drawings and
- show you have met the servicing requirements and any other conditions of your development permit.
Before you apply
Before you apply, you will need:
- the development permit number
- clearance letters* from the relevant service authorities confirming you have met the conditions of your permit
- a survey plan consistent with the original endorsed development plan
- scheme statement - if the application is for a unit title scheme subdivision.
*Your development permit will state if you need clearance from a service authority.
How to apply
Submit a certificate of compliance application through the Development Applications Online website.
There is no fee for this application.
After you apply
Read below to find out what happens after you submit your application.
Processing time
It can take one to two days if all supporting documents have been provided.
Decision maker
The decision maker is:
- Development Consent Authority (within DCA areas) or
- the Minister for Lands, Planning and Environment (outside of DCA areas).
Administrating branch
The administrating branch is Development Assessment Services.
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