Public transport and cycling

How to get around by bus, bike or ferry.

  • Bus safety
    How to report an incident on a bus, at a bus interchange, stop or shelter and the role of a transit officer. How to submit customer feedback or complaints about CCTV systems on buses and at interchanges.
  • Contact a public or school bus provider
    Contact details for public bus and school bus services in the Northern Territory, including Darwin, Alice Springs, Nhulunbuy, Ti Tree and Batchelor.
  • Lost property on a bus
    How to submit a form online if you have lost property on a public bus in Darwin or Alice Springs.
  • Bus interchanges
    Address and contact details for public bus interchanges in the NT, including information desk opening hours in Darwin and Alice Springs.
  • Catching a bus in a rural area
    Catching public or school buses in a rural area including advice on choosing a suitable location for an informal bus stop.
  • Transit officers
    The role and responsibilities of transit officers and how they operate within the NT public bus system.
  • Banning notices
    A notice that bans passengers from entering or remaining on a bus, bus stop or bus interchange.
  • Smoke-free public transport areas
    Smoking ban in public transport areas in Northern Territory, including maps of smoke-free areas.
  • Cycling and walking
    Information about cycling in Darwin, Palmerston, Katherine and Tennant Creek including cycle path maps, bicycle enclosures and reporting a cycle path fault.
  • Report a bike path fault
    Online form to report potholes, debris or other faults on a bike path.
  • Access a secure bike enclosure
    Access secure bike enclosures at selected bus interchanges with an access key.
  • Bus and taxi assistance
    Getting around and using buses and taxis with a disability, and financial assistance schemes you can apply for.
  • Transport subsidy and incentive schemes
    Guide to taxi subsidy schemes available in the NT for people with a disability, including the taxi subsidy scheme and the lift incentive scheme.
  • Free bus for Palmerston seniors and mobility impaired
    How to book the hospital shuttle bus which is a free service for seniors and mobility impaired Palmerston residents.
  • Mobility aid safety on a bus
    This page has information on the safety rules on NT public buses for people with a disability. This includes priority seating and where to place your wheelchair.
  • Using a mobility aid on a bus
    This page includes information on the size restrictions for wheelchair, scooters and mobility aids on NT public buses. This includes dimensions, manoeuvrability and weight.
  • Ferry services
    Passenger ferry services in Darwin, including where to find timetables and information on the code of conduct for school students on a ferry.