Bus tickets and fares

To travel on a public bus in Darwin and Alice Springs, you need a valid ticket or Tap and Ride card.

You can buy these:

If you use cash, try to give the correct change or as close to the fare amount as possible.

Drivers don't always have the ability to change large notes.

Paper tickets are issued for single trip and daily fares.

  • $3 full fare
  • $1 concession fare
  • paper ticket.

Unlimited bus travel for 3 hours from purchase.

  • $7 full fare
  • $2 concession fare
  • paper ticket.

Unlimited bus travel until the last service of the day.

  • $20 full fare
  • $7 concession fare
  • Tap and Ride card.

10 trips - each trip gives you unlimited bus travel for 3 hours. Card does not expire.

  • $20 full fare
  • $7 concession fare
  • Tap and Ride card.

Unlimited travel for 7 days including the day of purchase. Valid until the last service of the seventh day.

Concession card holders can get discounted travel.

Answer the questions below to see if you are eligible.

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