Alice Springs public bus timetables and maps
Free public bus services
All public bus services are free from 30 September 2024 to 30 June 2025.
This applies to Darwin, Casuarina, Palmerston and Alice Springs.
Residents and visitors are encouraged to take advantage of the free service.
Alice Springs bus services routes 100/101, 200, 300/301, 400/401 and 500 operate from Monday to Saturday (excluding public holidays).
They run from the Alice Springs bus interchange.
Get the Alice Springs public bus network map PDF (375.4 KB).
Route | Service information | Timetable | Map |
100 - 101 | Braitling and Ciccone | Timetable 100-101 PDF (375.2 KB) | Map 100-101 PDF (796.2 KB) |
200 | Eastside and Sadadeen | Timetable 200 PDF (251.6 KB) | Map 200 PDF (712.5 KB) |
300 - 301 | Ross, Ilparpa, The Gap and Alice Springs Hospital | Timetable 300-301 PDF (982.9 KB) | Map 300-301 PDF (824.4 KB) |
400 - 401 | Gillen, Araluen and Larapinta | Timetable 400-401 PDF (495.1 KB) | Map 400-401 PDF (936.9 KB) |
500 | Gillen and Alice Springs Hospital | Timetable 500 PDF (279.4 KB) | Map 500 PDF (834.7 KB) |
For general bus enquiries or feedback:
- call 08 8924 7666 on Monday to Friday, from 6:45am to 4:30pm
- fill in the online feedback form on the Department of Logistics and Infrastructure website.
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