Electricity concessions

Members of the Northern Territory (NT) Concession Scheme can claim a concession on household electricity costs for their main place of residence. This excludes any household used for business or commercial purposes.

You must make your claim within:

  • 6 months of incurring the cost or
  • the financial year - whichever is greater.

You can get up to $1,200 per annum for electricity (8000kW)*.

Only one member per household can access electricity concessions.

To be eligible to receive a concession for an electricity account, you must be:

  • the primary account holder and
  • financially responsible for the account.

How to apply

If you are the primary account holder, you must provide Jacana Energy or Power and Water Corporation with your membership number.

They will apply the concession.

Concession cap

For Jacana bills, the concession is calculated on a fixed daily rate of $1.158 per day plus $0.082 per kilowatt used. When applied, the concession excludes GST.

The GST inclusive rates are $1.274 fixed daily rate and $0.091 per kilowatt used.

You can access a maximum concession of $1,200 per household per financial year.

The concession cap is reset each financial year.

Your electricity bill will show how much of the capped amount was used.

You can reach the cap in a single bill if your usage is extremely high.

For most people, the concession is spread across multiple bills.

View a bill sample PDF (321.5 KB).

Your electricity concession may be affected if you use a PV solar system.

You should consider this before purchasing and installing a system.

You will not get a concession if:

  • your PV solar system generates enough electricity to cover household consumption and
  • you get a credit on your electricity bill.

If you consume more than your system generates or receive a bill, you will get a concession on your electricity bill.

To find out more about how to conserve and manage electricity usage, go to the Jacana Energy website.

You can get a credit of up to $1,200 each financial year if you are an owner or primary tenant.

To be eligible, you must pre-pay your electricity using one of the following:

  • tokens
  • e-meter
  • secure meter.

Payments of $600 are credited and tokens distributed in late January and July each year.

Before your concession is uploaded to your meter or tokens are distributed, you must complete your annual membership renewal. This will ensure your information is up to date by confirming your address and eligibility.

You must also say if your paper tokens are a wide or narrow type.

If you have an e-meter or secure meter, your concession will only be uploaded when you complete your renewal.

You can get an electricity concession if you:

  • receive an electricity bill
  • purchase private electricity tokens.

How much

The caravan park electricity rate is $1.274 per day.

How to apply

To apply for the electricity concession, follow these steps:

Step 1. Fill in the alternative energy and caravan park concession form PDF (607.1 KB).

Step 2. Submit the form with receipts and proof of payment.

If your electricity is through a third party, you must get a tax-compliant invoice with an ABN.

After you apply

You will get your concession as a reimbursement.

Payment will be by direct deposit into your nominated bank account.

Your concession is based on a fixed daily rate only, unless supporting evidence providing accurate consumption figures is provided.

Claims for concessions must be made within:

  • 6 months of you incurring the cost or
  • the financial year - whichever is greater.

Alternative energy can include:

  • on-passing electricity payment arrangements from a property owner to a tenant as part of a formal rental agreement
  • where the member is not connected to the grid and generates their own energy for domestic use
  • private electricity tokens or receipts from accommodation providers
    • including support/ crisis accommodation, retirement villages and caravan parks
  • alternative service providers.

How much

The alternative electricity rate is $1.274 per day.

How to apply

To apply for the electricity concession, follow these steps:

Step 1. Fill in the alternative energy and caravan park concession form PDF (607.1 KB) and provide a formal agreement such as a lease or tenancy.

The agreement must show financial responsibility for paying electrical charges (if applicable).

Step 2. Submit the form with receipts and proof of payment:

  • an invoice noting the principal place of residence where the utility is consumed and
  • a receipt or bank statement showing payment by the member for electricity supply.

Step 3. If this is your first claim or your bank account information has changed, fill in a vendor creation form PDF (449.0 KB).

If your electricity is through a third party, you must get a tax-compliant invoice with an ABN.

Email your concession claim to ntconcessionandrecognition@nt.gov.au or visit your nearest service centre.

After you apply

You will get your concession as a reimbursement. Payment will be by direct deposit into your nominated bank account.

Your concession is based on a fixed daily rate only, unless supporting evidence providing accurate consumption figures is provided.

Claims for concessions must be made within:

  • 6 months of you incurring the cost or
  • the financial year - whichever is greater.

Moving house

If you are moving house in the NT, you must tell us as soon as possible.

You must also update your new address details and concession member number with your electricity provider.

This will ensure you continue to get your concession.

Medical support allowance

If you exceed the concession cap and have a medical condition (or a dependent that has a medical condition) that directly affects your electricity consumption, you can get a $154 allowance. This amount will be applied once the cap is exceeded.

You must be responsible for paying the electricity account to receive the allowance.

To apply, fill in the medical support allowance form.

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