Humpty Doo Primary School and St Francis of Assisi School

The tables below show available bus routes for Humpty Doo Primary School and St Francis of Assisi School.

Routes of travel include:

  • inbound (i) - the bus is heading towards the school (morning only)
  • outbound (o) - the bus is heading away from the school (afternoon only).


Route Service informationDirectionsMap
228 Virginia Morgan Road area to Humpty Doo schools - via Bees Creek schools Route i228 directions PDF (407.7 KB)

Route 228 map PDF (541.0 KB)

403 Palmerston Interchange to Humpty Doo schools - via Howard Springs, Girraween Primary School and Taminmin College Route i403 directions PDF (227.1 KB)Route 403 map PDF (1.0 MB)
405 Howard Springs Stow Road to Bees Creek schools and Humpty Doo schools via Coolalinga Park and Ride Route i405 directions PDF (234.1 KB)Route 405 map PDF (689.2 KB)
407 Virginia and Bees Creek to Humpty Doo schools Route i407 directions PDF (218.7 KB)Route 407 map PDF (521.2 KB)
408 Virginia to Bees Creek schools and Humpty Doo schools Route i408 directions PDF (232.1 KB)

Route 408 map PDF (536.8 KB)

413 Humpty Doo to Bees Creek schools via Taminmin College and Humpty Doo Park and Ride Route i413 directions PDF (227.9 KB)Route 413 map PDF (584.4 KB)
415 Herbert to Humpty Doo schools and  Girraween Primary School Route i415 directions
PDF (219.1 KB)
Route 415 map PDF (505.3 KB)
417 Dawn Estates to Taminmin College and Humpty Doo Park and RideRoute i417 directions
PDF (217.4 KB)
Route 417 map
PDF (534.1 KB)
419 Howard Springs and Girraween to Humpty Doo schools Route i419 directions PDF (218.8 KB)Route 419 map PDF (370.4 KB)
427 945 Mina Road South Shukers Farm to Humpty Doo schools (Bus is express between the corner of Southport Terrace/Cox Peninsula Road and Noonamah Store. Students should catch the route 470.) Route i427 directions PDF (219.1 KB)Route 427 map PDF (511.0 KB)
430 Livingstone (Bandicoot Road) to Humpty Doo schools - via Cox Peninsula Interchange Route i430 directions PDF (230.6 KB)Route 430 map PDF (498.3 KB)

Acacia Store to Humpty Doo Schools – via Old Bynoe Road and Livingstone – Wet season (term one)

Acacia Store to Humpty Doo Schools – via Livingstone – Dry season (terms 2, 3 and 4)

Route i431 directions – term one PDF (230.0 KB)

Route i431 directions – terms 2, 3 and 4) PDF (228.3 KB)

Route 431 map PDF (473.3 KB)
449 Girraween to Taminmin College - via Humpty Doo Park and Ride Route i449 directions PDF (217.5 KB)Route 449 map PDF (473.0 KB)
451 Humpty Doo (Setosa, Arbus, Trepang, Sunter roads) to Humpty Doo schools Route i451 directions PDF (224.7 KB)Route 451 map PDF (515.7 KB)
453 Corroberee Park to Middle Point Primary School and Humpty Doo schools Route i453 directions PDF (217.1 KB)Route 453 map PDF (380.5 KB)
469 Lambells Lagoon to Humpty Doo schools and Taminmin College Route i469 directions PDF (223.3 KB)Route 469 map PDF (286.0 KB) - this map is being updated

Chibnall / Leonino Roads to Humpty Doo Schools – via Darwin River Road – term one (wet season)

Chibnall / Leonino Roads to Humpty Doo Schools – via Reedbeds Road – terms 2, 3 and 4

Route i470 (wet) directions   PDF (218.5 KB)

Route i470 (dry) directions PDF (219.4 KB)

Route 470 map PDF (538.2 KB)


Route Service informationDirectionsMap
401 Humpty Doo Schools to Palmerston Interchange via Coolalinga Park and Ride Route o401 directions PDF (221.1 KB)Route 401 map PDF (669.4 KB)
402 Taminmin College to Palmerston Interchange - via Coolalinga Park and Ride Route o402 directions PDF (36.9 KB)Route 402 map PDF (678.0 KB)
403 Girraween Primary School to Palmerston Interchange via Humpty Doo schools and Coolalinga Park and Ride Route o403 directions PDF (221.9 KB)Route 403 map PDF (1.0 MB)
405 Humpty Doo Park and Ride to Gunn Point and Howard Springs via Coolalinga Park and Ride Route o405 directions PDF (230.1 KB)Route 405 map PDF (689.2 KB)
407 Humpty Doo Schools to Virginia Route o407 directions PDF (226.3 KB)Route 407 map PDF (521.2 KB)
408 Humpty Doo Park and Ride, Taminmin College, Coolalinga Park & Ride and Bees Creek Route o408 directions PDF (226.0 KB)Route 408 map PDF (536.8 KB)
413 Humpty Doo (Woodlands Estate) to Humpty Doo schools then express to Bees Creek schools Route o413 directions PDF (223.6 KB)Route 413 map PDF (584.4 KB)
415 Girraween Primary School to Humpty Doo schools to Herbert Route o415 directions PDF (218.4 KB)Route 415 map PDF (505.3 KB)
417 Humpty Doo Park and Ride to Dawn Estates - via Taminmin College Route o417 directions
PDF (215.8 KB)
Route 417 map
PDF (534.1 KB)
419 St Francis of Assisi Primary School to Howard springs – via Humpty Doo schools and Girraween Route o419 directions PDF (219.1 KB)Route 419 map PDF (370.4 KB)
419(a) Bees Creek schools to Howard Springs via Coolalinga Park and Ride Route o419(a) directions PDF (217.0 KB)Route 419 map PDF (370.4 KB)
427 Humpty Doo Park and Ride to 945 Mina Road South Shukers Farm - via Taminmin College (Bus is express between the corner of Southport/Cox Peninsula Roads and Noonamah Store. Students should catch the 470.) Route o427 directions PDF (218.3 KB)Route 427 map PDF (511.0 KB)
430 Bees Creek schools to Livingstone (Bandicoot Road) – via Humpty Doo Park and Ride, Taminmin College and Cox Peninsula Interchange Route o430 directions PDF (234.2 KB)Route 430 map PDF (498.3 KB)

Humpty Doo Park and Ride to Livingstone area - via Cox Peninsula Interchange, Acacia Store and Old Bynoe Road – Wet season ( term one)

Humpty Doo Park and Ride to Livingstone area - via Cox Peninsula Interchange and Acacia Store – Dry season (terms 2, 3 and 4)

Route o431 directions – term one PDF (227.5 KB)

Route o431 directions – terms 2, 3 and 4) PDF (225.6 KB)

Route 431 map PDF (473.3 KB)
449 Humpty Doo Park and ride to Girraween - via Taminmin College Route o449 directions PDF (216.4 KB)Route 449 map PDF (473.0 KB)
451 Humpty Doo Primary School to Humpty Doo (Sunter, Trepang, Arbus and Setosa Roads) - via Humty Doo Park and Ride and Taminmin College Route o451 directions PDF (219.1 KB)Route 451 map PDF (515.7 KB)
453(c) Humpty Doo Park and Ride to Corroboree Park - via Taminmin College Route o453c directions
PDF (223.6 KB)
Route 453 map
PDF (380.5 KB)
469 Humpty Doo Park and Ride and Taminmin College to Lambells Lagoon Route o469 directions PDF (215.3 KB)Route 469 map PDF (286.0 KB) - this map is being updated

Humpty Doo Schools to Chibnall / Leonino Roads – via Darwin River Road - term one (wet season)

Humpty Doo Schools to Chibnall / Leonino Roads – via Reedbeds Road - terms 2, 3 and 4

Route o470 directions – term one PDF (220.1 KB)

Route o470 directions – terms 2, 3, 4 PDF (220.2 KB)

Route 470 map PDF (538.2 KB)


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