Aquatic pests: marine and freshwater
List of noxious fish
Noxious fish are species that could pose significant environmental and economic risks in the Northern Territory (NT).
If you see a noxious fish you must report it to NT Fisheries. Read how to report aquatic pests.
Noxious fish threaten native species, ecosystems, human health and industries that rely on our aquatic environment.
It is illegal to import noxious fish into the NT.
You can be fined up to $20,000 for importing or possessing a species on the below noxious fish list.
You must not import or possess any of the following noxious fish.
Family | Scientific name | Common name |
Acestrorhynchidae | Acestrorhynchus microlepis | - |
Acipenseridae | Acipenser baerii baerii | Siberian sturgeon |
Alestiidae | Hydrocynus spp | Pike characin, giant tigerfish |
Amiidae | Amia calva | Bowfin |
Anabantidae | Anabas testudineus | Climbing perch |
Bagridae | Anaspidoglanis macrostoma | Flatnose catfish |
Cambaridae | Procambarus clarkii | Red swamp crayfish |
Centrarchidae | entire family | Banded sunfish, spotted sunfish, largemouth bass, bluegill |
Centropomidae | Centropomus | Snooks |
Chacidae | Chaca bankanensis | Angler catfish |
Channidae | Channa spp | Snake head |
Characidae | Colossoma spp | - |
Cichlidae | Boulengerochromis microlepis | Giant cichlid, yellow belly cichlid |
Citharinidae | Ichthyborinae (syn. Distichodontinae) entire subfamily | African pike-characin, tubenose poacher, fin eater |
Clariidae | entire family | Snake catfish, walking catfish |
Cobitidae | Misgurnus anguillicaudatus | Weatherloach |
Cyprinidae | Aristichthys nobilis | Bighead carp |
Zacco platypus | Freshwater minnow | |
Doradidae | Oxydoras spp | Ripsaw catfish, black doras, black shielded catfish |
Elassomatidae | Elassoma spp | Pygmy sunfish |
Eleotridae | Allomogurnda nesolepis | Yellowbelly gudgeon |
Erythrinidae | Erythrinus spp | Trahiras |
Esocidae | Esox spp | Pikes |
Gasterosteidae | Apeltes quadracus | Four spined stickleback |
Gobiidae | Acanthogobius flavimanus | Yellow fin goby |
Gymnarchidae | Gymnarchus niloticus | Aba aba |
Gymnotidae | Electrophorus electricus | Electric eel |
Hepsetidae | Hepsetus odoe | African pike |
Heteropneustidae | Heteropneustes fossilis | Stinging catfish |
Ictaluridae | Ictalurus punctatus | Channel catfish |
Lebiasinidae | Lebiasina bimaculata | Twospot lebiasina |
Lepidosirenidae | Lepidosiren paradoxa | South American lungfish |
Lepisosteidae | Atractosteus spp | Alligator gar, tropical gar, Cuban gar |
Malapteruridae | Malapterurus spp | Electric catfish |
Mormyridae | Mormyrops anguilloides | Bottlenose, Cornish jack |
Pangasiidae | Pangasianodon hypophthalmus | Sutchi catfish |
Poeciliidae | Alfaro cultratus | Knife-edged livebearer |
Polyodontidae | Polyodon spathula | Mississippi paddlefish |
Polypteridae | Erpetoichthys calabaricus | Reedfish |
Potamotrygonidae | Paratrygon aiereba | Discus ray |
Protopteridae | Protopterus aethiopicus | Marbled lungfish |
Rivulidae | Leptolebias aureoguttatus | - |
Schilbeidae | Schilbe intermedius | Silver catfish |
Siluridae | Silurus spp | European catfish, wels catfish |
Trichomycteridae | Paravandellia oxyptera | Parasitic catfish |
Valenciidae | Valencia hispanica | Valencia toothcarp |
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