Pilotage exemption certificates


The Pilotage Authority may issue a master with a pilotage exemption certificate (PEC) under the Ports Management Act 2015.

All vessels 35 metres or greater in length within a compulsory pilotage area must either:

  • carry a licensed pilot or
  • be under the lawful command of a master who holds a valid PEC.

It must be endorsed for the proper zones of the port and for the vessel being navigated.

A valid PEC allows its holder, when appointed as master, to be in pilotage charge of the ships as named and to navigate within the zones specified by the Pilotage Authority.

For a PEC to be issued for night-time operations, a minimum of one inward and one outward transit shall be conducted at night and demonstrated by Record of Trip voyages.

For a run to be considered to have taken place at night, it must commence no earlier than 30 minutes after sunset and be completed no less than 30 minutes before sunrise.

Conditions of your PEC

A PEC is:

  • only available for a maximum length (LOA or combined LOA) of 100 metres
  • up to four specified vessels or classes of vessels
  • valid for 24 months
  • valid for specified zones within a compulsory pilotage area.

For information on individual designated port requirements, get the Darwin pilotage standards or email pec@nt.gov.au:

Pilotage standard - Port of Darwin PDF (1.7 MB)
Pilotage standard - Port of Darwin  DOCX (656.8 KB)

Pilotage zones

Pilotage is compulsory in the Port of Darwin pursuant to Northern Territory of Australia Government Gazette notice 4/14 of 4 April 2012.

All vessels 35m in length or greater within the compulsory pilotage area must either carry a licensed pilot or be under the lawful command of a master who holds a pilotage exemption certificate endorsed for the appropriate zones of the port and for the vessels being navigated within them.

Pilotage is compulsory for the port of Darwin:

  • north of 12° 25’S for vessels of 200m length or greater and proceeding south of 12° 25’S
  • south of 12° 25’S and greater than 35m.

The pilotage area of the port of Darwin is divided into seven zones, known as:

  • Zone A - Outer Harbour Zone; bound by a line joining Charles Point and Lee Point through a position 12° 18.2’S 130° 41.1’E, in the north and a line joining Talc Head and Emery Point in the south
  • Zone B - City Zone; bound by a line joining Talc Head and eastern end of Stokes Hill Wharf, via Wickham Point, in the south
  • Zone C - East Arm Zone; bound by a line joining Wickham Point and the entrance to Reichardt Creek, via the eastern end of Stokes Hill Wharf, in the west and north and a NE/SW line passing though South Shell Island, in the south
  • Zone D - Middle Arm Zone; the area of the port upriver of a line joining Talc Head and Wickham Point
  • Zone E - Frances Bay Zone; the area of the port north of a line from the eastern end of Stokes Hill Wharf to the entrance to Reichardt Creek
  • Zone F - Hudson Bladin Zone; that area of the port upriver of a NE/SW line passing through South Shell Island
  • Zone G - Marine Supply Base; connects zone C to the Marine Supply Base (MSB) berths and is specific for exempt seaman for these berths. The zone is bounded by the navigation beacons B03 following the line of the channel until immediately south, south west of B02 and then encompassing the Marine Supply Base beacons.

Pilotage zone

Apply for new pilotage exemption certificate

You can apply for a new pilotage exemption certificate (PEC) by email.

It must be emailed to pec@nt.gov.au or it will not be processed.

Before you apply

You must have all of the following before you apply:

  • a certificate of competency consisting of:
    • a current certificate as an Australian Master appropriate for the size of vessel
    • or a current Certificate of Recognition issued by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA)
    • or a current certificate of competency as master appropriate for the size of vessel, not issued by AMSA but eligible for the issue of a Certificate of Recognition by AMSA through bilateral agreement with the issuing flag state a current certificate of competence or a certificate of recognition issued by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) appropriate to the size of the vessel
  • a valid certificate of medical fitness in accordance with marine orders part 9.

You must also provide a record of trips within 12 months immediately before your application showing you have:

  • completed not less than four voyages through the compulsory pilotage zone of the port, with a licensed pilot, in command of the vessel for which the application is made
  • or completed not less than:
    • three voyages through the compulsory pilotage zone of the port as chief mate, on duty on the bridge throughout the entire voyage, on the vessel for which the application is made
    • two voyages through the compulsory pilotage zone of the port, with a licensed pilot, in command of the vessel for which the application is made.

How to apply

To apply for a new PEC follow these steps

Step 1. Application

Fill in the PEC application.

PEC application PDF (683.5 KB)
PEC application DOCX (147.2 KB).

Submit this with the documents listed above to pec@nt.gov.au.

Your application will not be accepted unless all documentation is submitted with the application and complete.

Step 2. Pay invoice

The invoice will be sent to the address included on your application form. Read about marine fees including PEC fees.

Step 3. Examination

Once an application has been approved you must apply for an exam time. The exam will be held at:

Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics
Level 2, Energy House
18 Cavenagh Street
Darwin NT

To read about the exam criteria get the Darwin pilotage standards:

Darwin pilotage standards PDF (1.7 MB)
Darwin pilotage standards  DOCX (656.8 KB)

Step 4. Pilot assessment

When you have completed your exam, it will be forwarded to the pilotage service provider.

This will take at least 24 hours for marking.

You can't have a pilot assessment until your exam has been marked.

To book a pilot assessment email shipping@darwinport.com.au and copy your email to pec@nt.gov.au.

Once you have passed two pilot assessments you will be given a PEC number and an electronic certificate by email.

Your PEC will need to be revalidated every two years to remain current.

For more information on how to apply see the flowchart below.

Apply for new PEC checklist PDF (309.4 KB)
Apply for new PEC checklist  DOCX (277.8 KB)

Apply for existing certificate revalidation

You can apply to revalidate a pilotage exemption certificate (PEC) by email.

It must be emailed to pec@nt.gov.au or it will not be processed.

You must revalidate your PEC before your existing certificate expires.

Your application will not be accepted if you apply after your existing certificate has expired. 

If it has expired, you will have to apply for a new certificate instead.

Before you apply

To revalidate your certificate you must have all of the following:  

  • a certificate of competency that is: 
    • current as an Australian Master appropriate for the size of vessel
    • a current certificate of recognition issued by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA)
    • or a current certificate of competency as Master appropriate for the size of vessel, not issued by AMSA but eligible for the issue of a certificate of recognition by AMSA through bilateral agreement with the issuing flag state a current certificate of competence or a certificate of recognition issued by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) appropriate to the size of the vessel.
  • a valid certificate of medical fitness in accordance with marine orders part 9
  • a record of trips demonstrating not less than 12 trips through the pilotage zones on the exempt seaman's PEC.

How to revalidate

Follow these steps to revalidate your PEC.

Step 1: Application

Fill in the PEC application form and submit this with the documents listed above to pec@nt.gov.au.

The application will not be accepted unless all documentation is submitted with the application and complete.

Step 2: Pay invoice

The invoice will be sent to the address included in your application form. Read about marine fees including PEC fees.

Step 3: Pilot assessment

You must conduct a pilot check run with a licensed pilot through the compulsory pilotage zones noted on your certificate. 

To book a pilot assessment email shipping@darwinport.com.au and copy your email to pec@nt.gov.au.

Once you have completed the pilot check run, you will be emailed a new certificate.

For more information on how to apply see the flow chart below. 

Apply for existing certificate zone upgrade

You can apply for a zone upgrade to your pilotage exemption certificate (PEC) by email.

It must be emailed to pec@nt.gov.au or it will not be processed.

Before you apply

To apply for an upgrade to your certificate you must have a record of trips within 12 months immediately before your application showing you have done all of the following:

  • completed not less than four voyages through the compulsory pilotage zone of the port, with a licensed pilot, in command of the vessel for which the application is made
  • or completed both:
    • three voyages through the compulsory pilotage zone of the port as chief mate, on duty on the bridge throughout the entire voyage, on the vessel for which the application is made
    • two voyages through the compulsory pilotage zone of the port, with a licensed pilot, in command of the vessel for which the application is made.

How to apply

Follow these steps to apply for a zone upgrade to your PEC.

Step 1: Application

Fill in the PEC application PDF (305.2 KB) and submit this with the documents listed above to pec@nt.gov.au.

The application will not be accepted unless all documentation is submitted with the application and complete.

Step 2: Pay invoice

The invoice will be forwarded to the address included in your application form. Read about marine fees including PEC fees.

Step 3: Examination

Once your application has been approved you must apply for an exam time.

The exam will be held at:

Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics
Level 2, Energy House
18 Cavenagh Street
Darwin NT

To read about the exam criteria get the Darwin pilotage standards:

Darwin pilotage standards PDF (1.7 MB)
Darwin pilotage standards DOCX (656.8 KB)

Step 4: Pilot Assessment

When you have completed your exam, it will be forwarded to the pilotage service provider.

This will take at least 24 hours for marking.

You can't have a pilot assessment until your exam has been marked.

To book a pilot assessment email shipping@darwinport.com.au and copy your email to pec@nt.gov.au.

Once you have passed two pilot assessments, you will be sent an electronic certificate by email.

For more information on how to apply see the flow chart below:

Apply for PEC zone upgrade checklist PDF (311.4 KB)
Apply for PEC zone upgrade checklist   DOCX (266.5 KB)

Apply for existing certificate vessel upgrade

You can apply for a vessel upgrade to your pilotage exemption certificate (PEC) by email. 

It must be emailed to PEC@nt.gov.au or it will not be processed.

How to apply

Step 1: Application

Fill in the pilotage exemption certificate application form PDF (305.2 KB) and submit to PEC@nt.gov.au

Step 2: Pay invoice

The invoice will be sent to the address included in your application form. 

Please see the fees and charges page for further information.

Step 3: Pilot assessment

To book a pilot assessment please email shipping@darwinport.com.au and copy your email to PEC@nt.gov.au

When you have completed two pilot assessments, you will be emailed a new certificate.

For more information on how to apply see the flowcharts below. 

How to apply flowchart PDF (272.7 KB)
How to apply flowchart DOCX (244.2 KB)

Apply for towage certificate

You can apply for a towage pilotage exemption certificate (PEC) by email.

It must be emailed to PEC@nt.gov.au or it will not be processed.

Before you apply

To apply for a towage pilotage exemption certificate you must have a record of trips within 12 months immediately before the application showing all of the following:

  • completed not less than four voyages through the compulsory pilotage area of the Port with a licensed pilot, in command of tug and barge combination of the maximum LOA the application is made for
  • or completed not less than:
    • six voyages through the compulsory pilotage area of the Port as chief mate (on duty on the bridge throughout the entire voyage) on a tug and barge combination of the maximum LOA the application is made for
    • and one voyage through the compulsory pilotage area of the Port with a licensed pilot, in command of the tug and barge combination of the maximum LOA the application is made for.

If you have a PEC

Step 1: Application

Fill in the pilotage exemption certificate application form PDF (305.2 KB) and submit this with the documents listed above to PEC@nt.gov.au.

The application will not be accepted unless all documentation is submitted with the application and complete.

Step 2: Pay invoice

The invoice will be forwarded to the address included in your application form. Please see the fees and charges page for further information.

Step 3: Examination

Once an application has been approved, you must apply for an examination time. The examination will be held at Level 2, Energy House, Cavenagh Street, Darwin.

For towage examination criteria please read Section 14.3 of the pilotage standards:

Pilotage standards PDF (1.7 MB)
Pilotage standards DOCX (656.8 KB)

Step 4: Pilot assessment

On completion of the exam a minimum of 24 hours is required for marking and on forwarding to the Pilotage Service Provider.

No Pilot assessments will be accepted until marking of the examination is complete.

To book Pilot assessment please email shipping@darwinport.com.au and CC PEC@nt.gov.au.

During the Pilot assessments there will be an oral examination covering specific towage requirements.

Once two Pilot assessments have been successfully completed a PEC number will be given or your existing certificate will be upgraded and an electronic certificate emailed.

If you don't have a PEC

Step 1: Application

You must fill in the pilotage exemption certificate application form PDF (305.2 KB) and submit this with the documents listed above to PEC@nt.gov.au.

The application will not be accepted unless all documentation is submitted with the application and complete.

Step 2: Invoice

The invoice will be forwarded to the address included in your application form. Please see the fees and charges page for further information.

Step 3: Examination

Once an application has been approved, you must apply for an examination time.

The examination will be held at Level 2, Energy House, Cavenagh Street, Darwin.

For examination criteria please read Sections 12.2, 13.1 and 14.3 of the pilotage standards:

Pilotage standards PDF (1.7 MB)
Pilotage standards  DOCX (656.8 KB)

Step 4: Pilot assessment

The exam will take at least 24 hours to mark.

No Pilot assessments will be accepted until marking of the examination is complete.

To book Pilot assessment please email shipping@darwinport.com.au and CC PEC@nt.gov.au.

During the Pilot assessments there will be an oral examination covering general navigation and specific towage requirements.

Once two pilot assessments have been successfully completed a PEC number will be given or your existing certificate will be upgraded and an electronic certificate emailed.

For more information on how to apply read the flowchart below.

Flowchart PDF (637.6 KB)
Flowchart DOCX (364.8 KB)