Pilotage exemption certificates
Apply for new pilotage exemption certificate
You can apply for a new pilotage exemption certificate (PEC) by email.
It must be emailed to pec@nt.gov.au or it will not be processed.
Before you apply
You must have all of the following before you apply:
- a certificate of competency consisting of:
- a current certificate as an Australian Master appropriate for the size of vessel
- or a current Certificate of Recognition issued by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA)
- or a current certificate of competency as master appropriate for the size of vessel, not issued by AMSA but eligible for the issue of a Certificate of Recognition by AMSA through bilateral agreement with the issuing flag state a current certificate of competence or a certificate of recognition issued by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) appropriate to the size of the vessel
- a valid certificate of medical fitness in accordance with marine orders part 9.
You must provide a record of your trips within the last 12 months before your application, showing that you have either:
- completed at least 8 trips through the compulsory pilotage area of the port with a licensed pilot, in command of the vessel. Out of these 8 trips, at least 3 must be inward and 3 outward, or
- completed at least 6 trips through the compulsory pilotage area of the port with a licensed pilot or an experienced pilot exempt master, as chief mate (on duty on the bridge throughout the entire voyage) on the vessel. Out of these 6 trips, at least 2 must be inward and 2 outward, additionally
- completed 2 inward and 2 outward trips through the compulsory pilotage area of the port with a licensed pilot, while in command of the vessel.
For a PEC to be issued for nighttime operations, you must conduct at least one inward and one outward trip at night. A run is considered to have taken place at night if it starts no earlier than 30 minutes after sunset and ends no less than 30 minutes before sunrise.
How to apply
To apply for a new PEC follow these steps
Step 1. Application
Fill in the PEC application.
PEC application PDF (683.5 KB)
PEC application DOCX (147.2 KB).
Submit this with the documents listed above to pec@nt.gov.au.
Your application will not be accepted unless all documentation is submitted with the application and complete.
Step 2. Pay invoice
The invoice will be sent to the address included on your application form. Read about marine fees including PEC fees.
Step 3. Examination
Once an application has been approved you must apply for an exam time. The exam will be held at:
Department of Logistics and Infrastructure
Level 2, Energy House
18 Cavenagh Street
Darwin NT
To read about the exam criteria get the Darwin pilotage standards:
Darwin pilotage standards PDF (1.7 MB)
Darwin pilotage standards DOCX (656.8 KB)
Step 4. Pilot assessment
When you have completed your exam, it will be forwarded to the pilotage service provider.
This will take at least 24 hours for marking.
You can't have a pilot assessment until your exam has been marked.
To book a pilot assessment email shipping@darwinport.com.au and copy your email to pec@nt.gov.au.
Once you have passed two pilot assessments you will be given a PEC number and an electronic certificate by email.
Your PEC will need to be revalidated every two years to remain current.
For more information on how to apply see the flowchart below.
Apply for new PEC checklist PDF (309.4 KB)
Apply for new PEC checklist DOCX (277.8 KB)
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