Commercial marine vessels guidance notes (GN)

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) is the regulator for Domestic Commercial Vessels (DCVs).

Since 1 July 2018, AMSA has provided full service delivery for owners, operators and crew of domestic commercial vessels.

NT is still responsible for certain matters including waterways management. Below are some guidance notes that apply to DCVs in the NT.

Contact AMSA for applications and inquires

For more information, visit the AMSA website.

NT Guidance notes

Schedule of gazetted sheltered waters (smooth and partially smooth waters) as at 16 April 2015: GN 33

schedule of gazetted sheltered waters (smooth and partially smooth waters): GN33 PDF (44.5 KB)
schedule of gazetted sheltered waters (smooth and partially smooth waters): GN33  DOCX (62.2 KB)

Requirements for fishing boats at anchor: GN 34

This sets out the rules and laws you should follow when your fishing boat is at anchor.

requirements for fishing vessels whilst at anchor PDF (26.8 KB)
requirements for fishing vessels whilst at anchor DOCX (57.9 KB)

New or suspected dangers to navigation: GN 55

This sets out the rules and requirements for masters of boats to report dangers to navigation.

discovery of new or suspected dangers to navigation PDF (48.0 KB)
discovery of new or suspected dangers to navigation DOCX (70.3 KB)

Beaching your fishing boat for maintenance: GN 121

This sets out a warning to all vessel owners about undertaking any maintenance or cleaning while their boat is beached.

beaching of vessels to perform maintenance PDF (410.3 KB)
beaching of vessels to perform maintenance DOCX (186.0 KB)

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