Jabiru Town Plan

The Jabiru Town Plan is a specific planning scheme for Jabiru in accordance with section 8 of the Planning Act.

Outside of Jabiru, the Northern Territory Planning Scheme applies to the whole of the Territory.

The Jabiru Town Plan 2019 came into force on 31 October 2019. It replaced the 1981 town plan.

Read the amendment decision PDF (1.2 MB).

What the town plan covers

The 2019 Jabiru Town Plan includes all of the following:

  • statements about land use policy
  • development controls that allow, prohibit or put conditions on the use or development of land
  • instructions, guidelines and criteria to help the consent authority assess and decide on development applications
  • maps, plans, designs and diagrams.

Read the Jabiru Town Plan

Get the complete Jabiru Town Plan 2019 PDF (2.9 MB).

You can also get the individual sections and referenced documents below.

The plan needs to be read alongside referenced documents including the:

The Community Safety Design Guide should be addressed when making a development application.

The consent authority may refer to this guide when making a decision.

Amendments to the plan

The Jabiru Town Plan is managed by the Minister for Lands, Planning and Environment, on behalf of the Director of National Parks.

Any amendments require the plan to be repealed and replaced, and approved by the Director of National Parks.

Amendments may be either of the following:

  • a change to diagrams, text or policies initiated by the government
  • a rezoning submitted as an amendment application by a person or the minister.

To discuss any potential amendment to the Jabiru Town Plan, contact a planner from Lands Planning.

The Northern Territory Planning Commission is an independent statutory authority that develops plans and planning policies for use alongside the town plan, or that may be included in the town plan. Read more on the Northern Territory Planning Commission website.

New zones and existing use rights

The 2019 Jabiru Town Plan introduces new zones.

Some existing land uses are now prohibited by the new requirements of the 2019 plan.

These are known as non-conforming uses.

Under the law, an established use that becomes a non-conforming use may continue and even expand to a limited extent. These are called existing use rights.

The Minister for Lands, Planning and Environment can also grant a permit for a use that would otherwise be prohibited. This is known as an exceptional development permit.

Find out more by reading the Planning Act 1999.

Existing development permits

Any development or use that is covered under an existing development permit, issued in accordance with the Jabiru Town Plan 1981, will continue to be current.

You don’t need to obtain a new development permit unless you are varying or changing the existing development or use in any way.

For more information about existing use rights, contact a planner from Development Assessment Services.

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