
Buley Rockhole

A popular swimming spot with a series of shallow and deep holes

Buley Rockhole is set among several small, rapid flowing streams in Litchfield National Park.

The water ranges from small deep plunge pools to shallow rock pools.

Unlike swimming at Wangi or Florence Falls, the rock holes are a place to lounge around in the natural flowing water streams.

If the carpark is full you can park at Florence Falls and take the Buley Rockhole walk.

Buley Rockhole shares the same access road as Florence Falls. Buley is the first turn off.

This park requires visitors to the NT to have a parks pass.

Check if the park is open

Buley Rockhole

Activity / SiteStatusComments Forecast opening
Swimming OpenTake care, conditions can change quickly-


There are no accessibility ramps or easy access into the water.

You will need to walk over natural rock beds to access the rock pools.


Florence Creek

Distance 3.2km
Time 1.5 hours
GradeGrade 2 - easy

Start at the upstream picnic area or Buley Rockhole.

This walk follows Florence Creek between Florence Falls and Buley Rockhole.

Park your vehicle in one of the car parks at Florence Falls as parking is limited at Buley.

Litchfield National Park, Litchfield Park Road, Batchelor
08 8999 4555
Park pass required
Safety information

Prepare and stay safe in parks and reserves. Check forecast temperatures before you visit.

  • Public toilets
  • Picnic
  • Swimming
  • Walking

Sites nearby


Keen walkers can take advantage of the tranquility and choose from 2 swimming spots


Central Valley

Secluded 4WD campground next to East Reynolds River


Greenant Creek

Take a shady walk upstream to the Tjaetaba Falls lookout


Florence Falls

Picnic at the plunge pool and take a walk along Shady Creek


The Lost City

Take the 4WD and see the sandstones structures that resemble a lost city


Reynolds Track

Take the 4WD and explore the track to Tjaynera Falls (Sandy Creek Falls) and Surprise Creek Falls


Tolmer Falls

Take the trail walk around the rim of the falls or the accessible path to the viewing decks of Tolmer Falls


Walker Creek

Picnic and swim by the creek, or stay longer in one of the 7 campsites nestled along the creek.


Wangi Falls

A large plunge pool with shady grassed areas


Last updated: 02 April 2023

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