Submit mineral production report
If you hold a mineral lease (ML), extractive mineral permit (EMP) or an extractive mineral lease (EML), you must submit a production report covering each financial year (July to June).
Currently, the department only requires reports on mineral titles that hold an environmental mining licence under the Environment Protection Act 2019 to mine minerals or extractive minerals.
Production reports on MLs granted for purposes ancillary to mining are not required.
The report must include the total amounts mined and sold throughout the year by commodity.
What you must report
The production reports must be in the approved format and include the units of measure.
Read more information on reporting in the following guideline:
- Guideline 7: mineral title reporting DOCX (841.8 KB)
- Guideline 7: mineral title reporting PDF (755.0 KB).
Extractive mineral production reports
Extractive mineral producers must report quantities produced, quantities sold and gross sales amounts for crushed rock, dimension stone, gravel, sand and soil.
Use the following form to complete your report:
Mineral production reports
Minerals producers report quantities mined, quantities produced, quantities sold and gross sales amounts for metallic minerals, industrial minerals, gemstones and uranium.
Use the following form to complete your report:
One form is required for each group of titles included in a single environmental mining licence under the Environment Protection Act 2019, but the production figures must be reported separately for each title within the group.
When to report
Production reports are due two weeks after the end of the financial year period being reported on.
Read more about when and how to submit your reports.
Information available to the public
Individual production reports are not released to the public.
Summaries of the total production and sales amounts for each of the commodity categories are published each year.
View the mineral production data.
The summary is also published in the department’s annual report on the Department of Trade, Business and Asian Relations website.