
Submit expenditure reports on mineral titles

If you hold an exploration licence (EL), an exploration licence in retention (ELR) or a mineral lease (ML), you must submit expenditure reports to the department annually.

You can only claim expenditure relating to admissible mineral exploration activities. You must also nominate a proposed expenditure and work program for the upcoming reporting period.

Your proposed work programs must be realistic, practical and designed to progress the discovery of a mineable commodity on the title.

Guide to expenditure

This guideline describes admissible expenditure for EL, ELR and ML titles and also provides an indication of acceptable minimum expenditure for the first 2 operational years of an exploration licence:

Guideline 6: minimum admissible expenditure PDF (54.1 KB)
Guideline 6: minimum admissible expenditure DOCX (57.3 KB)

This guideline outlines the EL requirements to comply with expenditure conditions, partial cancellation for non-compliance and approved expenditure project areas:

Guideline 3: expenditure conditions PDF (161.8 KB)
Guideline 3: expenditure conditions DOCX (134.8 KB)

How to report

To compile your report, use the following form.

Mineral exploration and mining expenditure reporting form DOCX (70.2 KB)
Mineral exploration and mining expenditure reporting form PDF (520.5 KB)

For each licence held, you must describe what work you did and how much you spent against each category of expenditure.

If an expenditure category is not relevant to your operations, mark it N/A.

What you can claim

You can only claim costs directly related to obtaining new information that will be sent to the department to be made public.

This includes activities related to geoscientific surveys, drilling programs and technical investigations described in your annual technical report.

Read more on what expenditure can be claimed in the minimal and admissible expenditure guidelines above.

When to report

Expenditure reports are due 30 days after the end of each operational year.

The reporting date changes if your report is part of an amalgamated reporting group. Read more about amalgamated reporting for mineral titles.

For a summary of all reporting dates, read when and how to submit reports.