Permits to use aircraft and drones in parks

To fly an aircraft or drone in permitted parks and reserves in the Northern Territory (NT), you may need a permit.

There may also be restrictions on where and when you can fly due to cultural, safety or environmental reasons.

When flying, your aircraft or drone must be airworthy and flown safely according to the law. Read more on the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) website.

You also need to follow the rules for flying drones in parks.

Types of permits

You need a trade and commerce permit to fly a:

  • piloted aircraft eg. helicopter
  • drone for commercial purposes eg. to sell or promote a product or business.

To fly a drone for recreational purposes, you may need an operation of aircraft permit depending on the park or reserve.

Check the list below. You can also get a copy of this in the schedules for drones in parks policy.

Schedules - drones in parks policy PDF (388.7 KB)
Schedules - drones in parks policy DOCX (18.0 KB)

To get a copy of the drones in parks policy, contact Parks and Wildlife.

Park or reserveRestrictionReason for restriction
Berry Springs Nature ParkPermitted November to March before 9am and after 5pmVisitor safety
Elsey National ParkWatch out for other aircraftWithin 5.5km of Mataranka Homestead Airport
Finke Gorge National ParkNo flying from Kalarranga LookoutCultural considerations and visitor safety
Garig Gunak Barlu National Park / Cobourg Marine ParkMust consult senior ranger on where drones may be flown prior to flyingCultural and residential considerations
Howard Springs Nature ParkPermitted November to March before 9am and after 5pmVisitor safety
Litchfield National ParkNo flying within the Wangi Falls area or at Sandy Creek FallsWithin 5.5km of Wangi Helipad and Sandy Creek is a landing site for helicopters, as well as visitor safety
Mac Clark (Acacia peuce) Conservation ReservePermits may be consideredCultural considerations
Ruby Gap Nature ParkPermits may be consideredCultural considerations
Tjoritja/West MacDonnell
National Park
No flying at Glen Helen Gorge or Finke 2-MileWithin 5.5km of Glen Helen Lodge Helipad
Watarrka National ParkNot to be flown over Kings Canyon, the Creek Walk or at Kings
Canyon Resort
Visitor safety, cultural considerations and within 5.5km of Kings Canyon Airport

  • Adelaide River Foreshore Conservation Area
  • Howard Springs Hunting Reserve
  • Blackmore River Conservation Reserve
  • Manton Dam Recreation Area
  • Butterfly Gorge Nature Park
  • Shoal Bay Coastal Reserve
  • Channel Point Coastal Reserve
  • Stray Creek Conservation Area
  • Daly River (Mt Nancar) Conservation Area
  • Stuart's Tree Historical Reserve
  • Douglas River / Daly River Esplanade Conservation Area
  • Tree Point Conservation Area
  • Bullwaddy Conservation Reserve
  • Keep River National Park
  • Caranbirini Conservation Reserve
  • Limmen Bight Marine Park
  • Cutta Cutta Caves Nature Park
  • Limmen National Park
  • Frew Ponds Overland Telegraph Line Memorial
  • Alice Springs Telegraph Station Historical Reserve
  • Illamurta Springs Conservation Reserve
  • Anna's Reservoir Conservation Reserve
  • John Flynn Historical Reserve
  • Arltunga Historical Reserve
  • John Flynn's Grave Historical Reserve
  • Attack Creek Historical Reserve
  • Owen Springs Reserve
  • Barrow Creek Telegraph Station Historical Reserve
  • Ryan Well Historical Reserve
  • Central Mount Stuart Historical Reserve
  • Tennant Creek Telegraph Station Historical Reserve
  • Connells Lagoon Conservation Reserve
  • Henbury Meteorites Conservation Reserve

Park or reserveReason for restriction
Black Jungle Conservation Reserve / Lambells Lagoon Conservation ReserveCultural considerations
Buffalo Creek Management Area ConservationConservation - shorebird habitat and within 5.5km of Royal Darwin Hospital
Casuarina Coastal ReserveWithin 5.5km of Darwin International Airport and Royal Darwin Hospital
Charles Darwin National ParkWithin 5.5km of aerodrome - Darwin International Airport
Djukbinj National ParkCultural considerations
Fish River Gorge BlockNo visitor access
Fogg Dam Conservation ReserveCultural considerations
Harrison Dam Conservation Area Cultural considerations
Holmes Jungle Nature ParkWithin 5.5km of Darwin International Airport
Knuckey Lagoons Conservation ReserveNo-fly zone
Leaning Tree Lagoon Nature ParkCultural considerations
Mary River National Park (with the exception of Stuart’s Tree
Historical Reserve)
Cultural considerations
Melacca Swamp Conservation AreaCultural considerations
Oolloo Crossing Conservation AreaRestricted airspace
Tjuwaliyn (Douglas) Hot Springs Nature ParkCultural considerations
Umbrawarra Gorge Nature ParkRestricted airspace
Windows on the WetlandsExternally managed
Barranyi (North Island) National ParkCultural considerations
Giwining / Flora River Nature ParkCultural considerations
Gregory's Tree Historical ReserveCultural considerations
Judbarra/ Gregory National Park (including Victoria River
Depot Historical Reserve)
Cultural considerations
Kintore Caves Conservation ReserveConservation - bird and bat habitat
Nitmiluk (Katherine Gorge) National ParkCultural considerations and within 5.5km of Nitmiluk Airport
Chamber's Pillar Historical ReserveCultural considerations
Corroboree Rock Conservation ReserveCultural considerations
Dulcie Range National ParkCultural considerations
Heavitree Gap Police Station Historical ReservePrivate residence
Iytwelepenty / Davenport Range National ParkCultural considerations
Karlu Karlu / Devil's Marbles Conservation ReserveCultural considerations
Kuyunba Conservation ReserveAdjacent to Pine Gap, a secure area
Napwerte / Ewaninga Rock Carvings Conservation ReserveCultural considerations
Native Gap Conservation ReserveCultural considerations
N'dhala Gorge Nature ParkCultural considerations
Rainbow Valley Conservation ReserveCultural considerations
Tnorala (Gosse Bluff) Conservation ReserveCultural considerations
Trephina Gorge Nature ParkCultural considerations
Woodgreen Conservation ReserveLimited visitor access
Yeperenye / Emily and Jessie Gaps Nature ParkCultural considerations
George Brown Darwin Botanic GardensWithin 5.5km of Darwin International Airport
Territory Wildlife Park ConservationCaptive animals and free-flying birds.

For regulations on Kakadu National Park or Uluru Kata-Tjuta National Park, go to the Australian Government's Parks Australia website.

Fees and processing times

There is no fee for an operation of aircraft permit.

A commerce and trade permit has a $55 application fee.

All applications may take 5 or more business days to be processed.

Before you apply

With your application, you must include:

  • the weight class and description of your drone or aircraft
  • your CASA reference or applicable licence number (if you have one).

If you’re a commercial applicant, you must also include:

  • your Australian business number (ABN)
  • a map or site plan of your proposed location
  • details about when and where you’ll be operating
  • an ASIC company extract with director names issued within the last 6 months - if you’re applying on behalf of a company
  • your public liability insurance of at least $20 million
  • your workers compensation insurance (if you’re required to have it) - find out more on the NT Worksafe website.

If you need workers compensation insurance, you can provide evidence after you submit your application. You must do this before your permit can be granted.


Call the Parks and Wildlife permits office on 08 8999 4795 (Monday to Friday from 8am to 4pm) or email

Last updated: 09 February 2024

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