Gaming machines in clubs and pubs

Gaming machine application fees

Below is the list of fees you must pay when you submit licences for gaming machines in the Northern Territory (NT).

These fees also apply for applications under mutual recognition.

You don't have to pay GST on these fees.

Also below are levies you must pay when you install machines or apply to install extra machines.


Hotel or tavern

If your liquor licence is endorsed with the words Authority - Hotel, or Authority - Tavern, you must pay a levy of approximately $54,504 per machine applied for.


If your liquor licence is endorsed with the words Authority - Club, you must pay a levy of approximately $10,902 per machine applied for.

Levies for extra machines

You have to pay a levy for each new gaming machine you wish to install.

These levies are as follows:

  • for hotels and taverns - 45,045 revenue units ($54,504 in 2019) per machine
  • for clubs - 9010 revenue units ($10,902 in 2019) per machine.

Find out more about current revenue units.

Application fees

Description​Fee payable​
Grant of gaming machine licence - individual or body corporate​$1,621
Copy of gaming machine licence​$77
Application to alter a gaming machine​ - change of game, upgrade to game version, change of return to player (RTP,  change of token (including Australian currency), denomination or change of betting unit, eg one cents to two cents, and installation of a note acceptor​$77
Application to increase number of gaming machines​​$162
Application for gaming machine repairer, service contractor or monitoring providers licence​​$162
Renewal of gaming machine repairers, service contractors or monitoring providers licence​$77
Copy of gaming machine repairers, service contractors or monitoring providers licence​$28
Application for gaming machine manager’s licence​$162
Renewal of gaming machine manager’s licence​$77
Copy of gaming machine manager’s licence​$28
Police history name check​​$84
​Police history fingerprint check​$236

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