Animal welfare

Apply for a registration to use or allow an animal to be used for scientific purposes

If you want to use animals for teaching and research in the Northern Territory, you must apply for a registration.

How to apply

To apply, follow these steps:

Step 1. Fill in application

Fill in the application for registration to use or allow an animal to be used for scientific purposes.

Application for registration to use or allow an animal to be used for scientific purposes PDF (218.7 KB)
Application for registration to use or allow an animal to be used for scientific purposes   DOCX (68.6 KB)

Step 2. Pay the fee

Pay the $117.00 fee over the phone or send a cheque to Receiver of Territory Monies (RTM).

To pay over the phone, call 08 8999 1628 and quote cost code 92HC1N01D and standard class 131111.

You must also ask RTM to email your receipt to to confirm you have paid.

To send a cheque, you must send it to:

Receiver of Territory Monies
C/- Animal Welfare Authority
Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade
GPO Box 3000
Darwin NT 0800

Step 3. Submit application

Submit your application by mail or email to:

Animal Welfare Branch
Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade
GPO Box 3000
Darwin NT 0800

It can take up to 6 weeks for an application to be assessed if you’ve paid the fee.

It will not be refunded if your application is refused.

How your application is assessed

The Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade will contact your ethics committee to discuss your proposal, and may ask you for more information in the process.

The decision to approve your application will be based on:

  • the nature and purpose of the teaching or research
  • you’re ability to be a fit and proper person to hold a registration, including:
    • whether you have been found guilty of an offence under animal welfare legislation in Australia or elsewhere
  • your competence and experience in the care and handling of animals
  • the premises, equipment and other facilities
  • the adequate arrangements for veterinary treatment.

If your application is refused, the authority will provide reasons in writing.

If your application is approved

If your application is approved, your registration will be mailed to you.

It will take effect on the date it’s issued and lasts for 3 years unless it's been suspended or cancelled, or you’ve surrendered it.


You must:

  • have an ethics committee overseeing your teaching or research project
  • follow any animal welfare conditions on your registration.


At the end of every financial year, you must report your use of animals. The authority will send you an electronic form for this.

Appealing a refusal

If your application is refused, you can appeal it to the Local Court.

Varying your registration

To vary a registration, follow these steps:

Step 1. Fill in the application.

Application for a variation of registration to use premises for teaching or research involving animals DOCX (70.8 KB)
Application for a variation of registration to use premises for teaching or research involving animals PDF (181.0 KB)

Step 2. Submit your application to the Animal Welfare Branch with a $50 application fee.

Renewing your registration

To renew a registration, follow these steps:

Step 1. Fill in the application and mark it as a renewal.

Application for registration to use or allow an animal to be used for scientific purposes  PDF (218.7 KB)
Application for registration to use or allow an animal to be used for scientific purposes  DOCX (68.6 KB)

Step 2. Pay the fee and submit your application like how you did the first time.

When a registration is suspended or cancelled

The Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade may cancel or suspend your registration if:

  • you're found guilty of an offence
  • it's believed you obtained the registration improperly
  • it's believed you have failed to follow your registration conditions
  • you're believed to not be a fit and proper person to continue to hold your registration

If your registration is cancelled or suspended, you will be notified in writing.

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