How to enrol at a government school

To find out how to enrol your child in a Northern Territory (NT) government school, answer the question below.

You can also find out about school fees for international students.

Applicants must meet all of the Australian Government criteria.

This means they must:

  • stay enrolled as a full-time student
  • have enough funding to cover all expenses during studies
  • if under 18, they must either:
    • live with a parent, legal guardian or relative over the age of 21 or
    • live in homestay accommodation approved by the Department of Education and Training
  • have acceptable health insurance to cover their time in Australia
  • agree to return home when they have completed their studies.

Breaking school rules

The school may suspend or exclude a student from school if they breach the school's policies.

Enrolment can be cancelled for the following reasons:

  • failure to pay course fees
  • failure to maintain approved welfare and accommodation arrangements
  • poor attendance
  • misbehaviour.

You can request to defer your child's enrolment or suspend their studies for special reasons such as:

  • compassionate leave
  • compelling circumstances.

These can include:

  • illness - you will need to provide a medical certificate that states the student is unable to attend classes
  • death of a close family member such as parents or grandparents
  • major political upset or a natural disaster in your country that requires your child to urgently return home
  • a traumatic experience that has affected the student - where possible, these cases should be supported by a police or psychologist report.

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