Who to contact for government procurement and contracts
Read below to find out where you can get more information or help with government procurement.
Contract and Procurement Services
Contract and Procurement Services (CAPS) can help you with the following:
- using Quotations and Tenders Online (QTOL)
- information about current and future opportunities on QTOL or
- submitting a tender.
You can also ask general questions about government procurement.
Tender queries
Tender manager phone: 08 8999 1934
Fax - tenders only: 08 8999 1935
General queries
Contact the office closest to you.
Level 11 Charles Darwin Centre
19 The Mall
Darwin NT 0800
Contract and Procurement Services
PO Box 2391
Darwin NT 0801
Phone: 08 8999 1919
Fax: 08 8999 1966
Alice Springs
Level 1 Alice Plaza building
Corner of Parsons Street and Todd Mall
Alice Springs NT 08700
Contract and Procurement Services
PO Box 4037
Alice Springs NT 0871
Phone: 08 8951 6458
Fax: 08 8951 6459
Procurement Board
The Procurement Board provides the Northern Territory Government strategic governance and advice on its procurement function.
Level 2, Development House
76 The Esplanade
Darwin NT 0800
GPO Box 3200
Darwin NT 0801
For more information phone 08 8999 6007 or email Boards.Procurement@nt.gov.au
Procurement Appeals Board
The Procurement Appeals Board determines appeals in relation to the eligibility or admissibility of a quote or tender.
Level 2, Development House
76 The Esplanade
Darwin NT 0800
GPO Box 3200
Darwin NT 0801
For more information phone 08 8924 3846 or email Boards.Procurement@nt.gov.au
Procurement NT
You can get information about procurement policy from Procurement NT.
Procurement NT
Department of Trade, Business and Asian Relations
Phone: 08 8999 1410
Accounts Payable
Accounts Payable pays invoices for most NT Government departments.
Accounts Payable maintains business' records such as addresses, bank accounts for electronic payments and contact details.
You can track, lodge and run reports on your invoices using InvoiceNTG.
For more information, call 1800 231 502 or email accountspayable@nt.gov.au.
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