Lotteries and community gambling

Become an approved association

If you are a community organisation, you can apply to become an approved association under the Gaming Control Act 1993 in the Northern Territory (NT).

This includes any association, society, institution or body which does business in the NT and carries out business for any of the following purposes:

  • religious, educational, benevolent or charitable
  • provides medical treatment or attention
  • promotes or encourages literature, science, art or a cultural activity
  • recreation or amusement
  • beautifying or improving a community centre
  • is certified in writing by the Director of Gaming Control to be an association under the Act.

If you are incorporated under the Associations Act 2003, you don't automatically qualify for approval under the Gaming Control Act 1993.

You can become an approved association without being an incorporated association. You have to submit a copy of your constitution with your application if you are not incorporated.

After you've received approval

If you are approved, you can run lotteries and raffles which include all of the following:

  • raffles with $5,000 or less in total ticket sales
  • tipping competitions and mini-lotto offering total prizes less than $5,000
  • bingo, sweepstakes and Calcuttas
  • minor or major lotteries where the total value of tickets is more than $5,000 - subject to approval
  • operate ticketing machines - subject to approval
  • lottery-type games of chance provided the games and prizes offered are not prohibited - subject to approval.

Documents you will need

You must include copies of the following where relevant to your organisation:

  • a copy of the certificate of incorporation of the association
  • a copy of the advice of an incorporating authority that the association is ineligible for incorporation
  • a statement by the governing body with reasons why the association is not incorporated
  • a certified copy of the association's constitution
  • a document identifying members of the governing body
  • a copy of the document appointing the authorised person.

How to apply

To apply for an approved association, follow these steps:

Step 1. Fill in the approved association form.

Approved association form  DOCX (72.6 KB)
Approved association form PDF (167.3 KB)

Step 2. Attach supporting documents with your form.

Step 3. Submit your form and supporting documents to the Director of Gaming Control in person, by email or post it to a Territory Business Centre.

Appoint an authorised person

The organisation's governing body must appoint a member to act as their representative and be responsible for running the association's lotteries and raffles.

You must name the authorised person to the Director of Gaming Control within 14 days of the annual general meeting.

Keep your details up-to-date

You must provide details of any changes within your organisation such as any of the following:

  • change of office holders
  • change to contact details
  • change in number of members.

To update your details, fill in the update an approved association form and submit it to a Territory Business Centre.

Update an approved association form DOCX (72.3 KB)
Update an approved association form PDF (163.5 KB)

Changes or revoked approved status

You will be told in writing of any changes to your approval conditions or if your approval is revoked.

The approved association can apply in writing to change or cancel their approved status.

Why approval might be suspended or revoked

Your organisation's status as an approved association can be suspended or revoked for any of the following reasons:

  • approval was based on false or misleading information
  • association representatives have broken the Act, regulations and condition of approval or permit
  • the integrity of the conduct of a lottery is threatened
  • association representatives have acted outside the association’s constitution or public interest
  • changes to the association’s constitution is inconsistent with the requirements for continued approval.

Suspended or revoked approvals

You will be advised in writing if your approval is to be suspended or revoked.

You have 14 days to respond and provide reasons why it shouldn't happen.

Your submission will be considered before a final outcome is advised in writing.

In exceptional circumstances, your association's approval could be suspended and advised in writing. You can request a review of the decision within 14 days.

If the suspension is not lifted, you will be given reasons in writing within 28 days of your submission.

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