Geothermal titles and activities


Geothermal energy is a low-emission alternative energy source to traditional fossil fuels.

Heat from the earth, carried by hot water, can be used to generate electricity. It can also be used in industry, agriculture and for heating and cooling buildings and homes.

Geothermal energy is extracted by drilling wells deep into areas of hot rock or underground aquifers that contain hot water.

It is estimated that 1% of the geothermal energy found at depths less than 5km could supply Australia's total energy needs for 26,000 years.

There is no commercial production of geothermal energy in the Northern Territory (NT) but there are areas where the underground temperature is hot enough.

The geothermal industry in Australia has grown over the past 10 years and is used for heating and cooling buildings and pools.

To find out more including current projects, go to the Geoscience Australia website.

If you want to explore for geothermal resources, you must apply for an exploration permit.

Before exploration

This page has information about where you can drill for geothermal energy in the NT, and what you must do before you can explore, including information about permits.

Where you can drill

Most areas of the NT are open to geothermal exploration. The Geothermal Map NT PDF (1.3 MB) shows details.

Drilling is not allowed on reserved blocks in and around Darwin, Katherine, Tennant Creek and Alice Springs. Special conditions apply to land within parks and reserves.

When exploring on a pastoral lease, exploration permit applications may be subject to the Native Title Act.

When exploring on Aboriginal freehold land, exploration permit applications are subject to the Aboriginal Land Rights (NT) Act.

Read more about land tenure and availability.

Aboriginal sacred sites must be avoided. You may need clearance from the Aboriginal Areas Protection Authority (AAPA). Go to the AAPA website for more information.

The NT Geological Survey's online tenure and geoscience information system, the Spatial Territory Resource Information Kit for Exploration (STRIKE) can help you identify areas suitable for exploration.  Go to the STRIKE website for more information.

Apply for a permit

Before exploration can begin, you must get a permit and satisfy the department that you have the skills and financial ability to undertake the work.

You will be assessed on the following factors:

  • the drilling sites chosen, and why
  • the proposed exploration activities for the first five-year term of the permit
  • how much will be spent on exploration, and on what sort of activities
  • ability to fund the work
  • technical expertise.

Read how to apply for a permit.

Get the forms you will need to apply for a permit.

When drilling can start

A permit will give you the right to occupy the permit area and exclusive rights for geothermal exploration in the area.

Exploration can only start after the permit has been granted, and you must follow the work program outlined in the application.

Renew a permit

Permits can be renewed for two further five-year terms.

Renewal applications must be submitted three to six months before the existing permit's expiry date.

The permit will remain in force until a decision on the renewal is made.

Exploration permits

Before you apply for a geothermal exploration permit, you must read and understand all the Northern Territory and Commonwealth laws that might affect your proposal, including:

Applications for a geothermal exploration permit must be made on the correct form with supporting information and payment of the correct fee.

Read more about the forms and fees.


The application fee for an exploration permit fee is $5,000.

The fee will not be refunded if the application is withdrawn. Applications will not be accepted without correct payment.

How to pay

You can use the following methods to pay your fee, depending on how you submitted your application:

  • personal cheques or money orders, made payable to the Receiver of Territory Monies - they must be attached to the application
  • Visa or MasterCard - you must give written authorisation either on the form or in an attached letter
  • direct debit - contact the department's Titles Division
  • EFTPOS and cash payment are only available for applications lodged in person.


Applications must be signed by the applicant or their approved agent.

How to submit

Submit your completed application by email, mail, fax or in person.

In person

Senior Director Petroleum
Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade
Energy Division
Level 4 Centrepoint Building
The Mall
Darwin NT 0800
Phone: 08 8999 5191 
Fax: 08 8999 5191

By mail

GPO Box 4550
Darwin NT 0801


The department will publish a notice of the application in the NT Government Gazette and in an appropriate newspaper, and invoice the applicant for the costs.

Approval or refusal

If an application is approved, the applicant will get an 'offer of a grant' letter.

If an application is not approved, the applicant will get a letter of refusal.

Forms and fees

You can get the forms you will need to apply for a geothermal exploration permit, and fee information, below.


Use these forms to apply for a geothermal exploration permit, surrender exploration blocks or other activities regarding permits.

Name of formUse it for this purpose

Geothermal exploration permit application DOCX (71.3 KB)

Geothermal exploration permit application PDF (685.0 KB)

Use this form to apply for a permit to explore for geothermal resources

Nomination of registered holders for service of documents   DOCX (166.9 KB)

Nomination of registered holders for service of documents PDF (169.2 KB)

Use this form to give the department information about who should receive documents regarding a permit application 

Transfer of a geothermal authority DOCX (67.7 KB)

Transfer of a geothermal authority PDF (181.3 KB)

Use this form to apply for approval to transfer all right, title and interest in an exploration permit to someone else

Dealing application for a geothermal authority interest DOCX (65.6 KB)

Dealing application for a geothermal authority interest PDF (172.3 KB)

Use this form to apply for approval for a dealing in a geothermal authority e.g devolution

Application for surrender DOCX (60.7 KB)

Application for surrender PDF (166.5 KB)

Use this form to apply for consent to surrender either part or all of the blocks in a permit area
Appropriate person to hold a permit or licence PDF (217.0 KB)

Appropriate person to hold a permit or licence DOCX (89.5 KB)
Use this form when applying for, renewing or transferring an exploration permit, retention licence or production licence.


Title of formUse

Exploration Permit Application Guidelines  DOCX (71.3 KB)

Exploration Permit Application Guidelines PDF (685.0 KB)

These guidelines will assist you with your exploration permit application.


An initial application for a geothermal exploration permit costs $5,826 which must be paid when the application is submitted to the department.

An application to renew a permit also costs $5,826.

Title  type

Geothermal Energy Act

Geothermal exploration permit


Retention licence


Production licence


Renewal - exploration permit


Renewal - retention licence/lease


Variation - exploration permit


Title  type

Geothermal Energy Act

Exploration permit - per block

$23 for year 1, 2 ,3, 4 and 5
$46 for year 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10
$93 for each remaining year

Retention licence/lease - per block


Production licence/lease - per block


Transaction  type

Geothermal Energy Act

Transfer of Title


Approval of dealing - that creates or assigns an interest in a title

Caveat - $117

Devolution of title [devolved by operation of law]


Current geothermal applications

A company can apply to the Minister for Mining and Industry for a permit to explore geothermal energy resources in the Northern Territory.

After considering an application, the minister must publish a notice in a Territory newspaper.

Your rights

If you're an owner or occupier of land within or adjoining the application area, you can object in writing to a permit being granted by a certain date.

An owner includes any of the following:

  • a person registered under the Land Titles Act 2000 as the owner of the land
  • a person who has a legal or equitable interest in the land
  • an Aboriginal Land Trust for the land
  • a native title holder or registered native title claimant in relation to the land.

Anyone can make written submissions about an application. This can be feedback or a letter of support.

Current applications

There are currently no applications open for public comment.

How to object or submit feedback

Send your objection or submission by email to or mail to:

Director Petroleum Tenure
Energy Development Branch
Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade
GPO Box 4550
Darwin NT 0801

After you submit

A copy of each objection or submission will be provided to the applicant. The applicant may provide a response to the:

  • minister and
  • person who made the objection or submission.

The minister will consider any objections and submissions, and determine whether to grant or refuse the permit application.


For more information email