
Water controller

The Controller of Water Resources is appointed by the Minister of Water Resources.

Their decision making is directed by the Water Act 1992 and relevant Northern Territory Government policy.

On 1 May 2023, Andrew Johnson PSM was appointed the Controller of Water Resources.

Read about Mr Johnson PSM.

Role of department

The department looks after the assessment and monitoring of the Territory's water resources in line with legislation.

It supports the controller by providing evidence-based scientific and regulatory advice for the controller to make informed decisions.

Role of controller

The controller grants, renews, refuses and amends water permits and licences.

They are also responsible for addressing breaches, including failure to obtain a permit or licence.

To do this role, the controller has the power to:

  • give directions to the owner or occupier of a land (s70)
  • take action to recover unpaid fees or charges (s84)
  • direct certain functions to be done in relation to water or waste (s88D)
  • order a person to produce their drilling licence (s52)
  • approve proceedings for certain offences under the Act (s105)
  • make decisions about the following permits or licences (s93):
    • interfere with a waterway (s41)
    • take surface water (s45)
    • drilling (s49)
    • bore work (s57)
    • take groundwater (s60)
    • take groundwater for hydraulic fracturing (s60A)
    • underground water disposal licence (s63)
    • recharge licence (s67)
    • grant a developer a licence to take water (s71G) and subsequent licences (s71H)
    • waste discharge licence (s74).

They may delegate some of these powers. This is usually done when it's a routine decision or a decision supported by operational policy.

Regulatory statements

Read regulatory statements made by the controller on: