National Water Initiative
The NT joined the National Water Initiative (NWI) in 2004.
The NWI sets the framework and principles for sustainable water management.
Read more about the initiative.
The Northern Territory (NT) Government is responsible for ensuring water resources are sustainably managed.
The water management system is set under the NT Water Act 1992 and the Water Regulations 1992.
The Act sets out the tools to:
The video below explains how water is managed in the NT.
Get the video transcript DOCX (56.1 KB).
View the video in Eastern Kriol.
The NT joined the National Water Initiative (NWI) in 2004.
The NWI sets the framework and principles for sustainable water management.
Read more about the initiative.
Under the Act, the Minister for Environment:
The NT Government (NTG) looks after assessment and monitoring of the Territory's water resources in line with legislation.
It supports the controller by providing evidence-based scientific and regulatory advice for the controller to make informed decisions.
Water advisory committees provide advice on the development of water allocation plans and their ongoing implementation under the Water Act 1992.
To find out more, go to the Department of Lands, Planning and Environment website.
Water control districts in the NT are areas where:
This is to avoid overusing groundwater reserves, river flows or wetlands. Read about water control districts.
Within a water control district, a water allocation plan is declared. The plan describes how much water can be taken from groundwater and surface water resources without harming the resource or environment. Read about water allocation.
Each water control district and allocation plan has declared beneficial water use categories applied. They identify how the community values and uses a water resource and applies when licensing water allocations.
With a growing population, there's a growing need for water - for people, agriculture, industry and the environment.
It's important that water security is future-proofed for Territorians.
To find out how the NT Government and Power and Water Corporation are working to secure water supplies and encourage water saving, go to the Water Security website.
The NT Government manages water use for oil and gas activities in the NT.
To find out more, watch the videos below.
Get the video transcript DOCX (57.7 KB)