Collect plant materials for scientific research

You must apply for a permit to collect plant materials for scientific research.

Collecting any kind of biological resource for scientific research or commercial use is called bioprospecting.

To find out more about bioprospecting, go to the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries website.

Before you apply

You must enter into a benefit sharing agreement with the resource access provider.

A resource access provider could be:

  • the NT Government (for example national parks)
  • freehold landholders
  • the Aboriginal Land Trust.

How to negotiate

To enter into a benefit-sharing agreement, you must negotiate a benefit-sharing deed.

If you enter into an agreement with a government access provider, follow these steps:

Step 1. Get the NT benefit sharing deed template DOCX (98.1 KB).

Step 2. Update the template as necessary. You can get legal help if needed.

Step 3. Check the deed meets all requirements listed in section 29 of the Biological Resources Act 2006.

Step 4. Email the draft deed for review to

Step 5. Once the deed is finalised and agreed by all parties, you can apply for a permit.

If you enter into an agreement with a non-government access provider, follow these steps:

Step 1. Get the non-NT benefit sharing deed template DOCX (100.6 KB).

Step 2. Negotiate an agreement directly with the access provider.

Step 3. Update the template as necessary. You can add or remove clauses to suit both parties.

Step 4. Check the deed meets all requirements listed in section 29 of the Act.

Step 5. Once the deed is finalised and agreed by all parties, you can apply for a permit.

How to apply

To apply for a permit, you must contact the relevant department below, depending on whether you want to access:

  • land resources
  • marine resources.

To access land resources, you must get approval from the Parks and Wildlife Commission of the NT.

Follow these steps:

Step 1. Fill in an application for a permit to undertake scientific research on wildlife.

Application for a permit to undertake scientific research on wildlife DOCX (66.7 KB)
Application for a permit to undertake scientific research on wildlife PDF (177.1 KB)

Step 2. Attach one of the following with your application:

  • a signed benefit-sharing agreement (government)
  • certification showing:
    • a benefit-sharing agreement that meets the requirements of the Act
    • it's been signed by both parties (non-government).

Step 3. Submit your application and supporting document to the Parks and Wildlife permits and concession office.

To access marine resources, you must get approval from NT Fisheries.

Follow these steps:

Step 1. Fill in the section 17 special permit form DOCX (58.5 KB).

Step 2. Attach one of the following with your form:

  • a signed benefit-sharing agreement (government)
  • certification showing:
    • a benefit-sharing agreement that meets the requirements of the Act
    • it's been signed by both parties (non-government).

Step 3. Submit your form and supporting document to NT Fisheries.

If your application is successful

If your application is successful, you will be notified and issued with a valid permit.


For more information, call Industry Development on 08 8946 9563 or email

You can also go to the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries website.

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