Multicultural grants


This section has information about multicultural grants for individuals and community organisations, including:

  • harmony grants
  • multicultural community facilities grants
  • multicultural grants program.

Multicultural grants and GST

GST is not included in multicultural grant payments, even if an organisation has an ABN and is registered for GST. 

If you are awarded a grant, GST is not included. This must be reflected in the invoice.

Harmony Grants program

If you're a Northern Territory (NT) organisation, you can apply for up to $1,000 for projects, events and activities that promote cultural diversity or harmony.

This includes funding to take part in:

  • Darwin Waterfront Harmony Soiree
  • Big Day Out in Harmony at Alice Springs.

Applications open on 1 October and close 31 October each year.

Find out more about multicultural events in the NT.

You can apply if you're:

  • an incorporated multicultural community group
  • a school
  • a private not-for-profit group
  • a local government council.

If you're not incorporated, you can apply if you provide:

  • an agreement with an incorporated organisation to administer the harmony grant
  • a letter from that organisation agreeing to administer the funds
  • a copy of the organisation's certificate of incorporation.

You can't apply if you're:

  • an individual
  • a private for-profit group
  • an organisation based outside of the NT.

Organisations that have not met previous acquittal requirements under the Harmony Grants program can't apply for funding.

You can apply for funding for projects, events and activities that promote cultural diversity or harmony such as:

  • school projects that celebrate student diversity
  • food and cultural events
  • traditional dancing performances
  • open days at community centres
  • multicultural storytelling and displays.

You can't apply for funding for:

  • prizes
  • goods already purchased
  • commercial or business ventures
  • overseas travel
  • most equipment for example, computers.

To apply for a grant, follow these steps:

Step 1. Read the Harmony Grants guidelines.

Harmony Grants guidelines PDF (279.5 KB)
Harmony Grants guidelines DOCX (644.0 KB)

Step 2. Apply online through GrantsNT.

Late applications will not be accepted.

When your application has been received, you will get an email.

Your application will be assessed on how well your project shares and celebrates the NT's cultural diversity.

It will also be assessed:

  • on the benefits to the community
  • against other suitable applications.

Your application will be evaluated by an assessment panel. The panel will make recommendations to the minister for consideration and a decision.

You will receive a letter to tell you if your application has been successful.

All decisions are final. There is no appeal process.

If your application is successful, you must sign a funding agreement that outlines the purpose of the grant and the conditions you must follow.

Your funding agreement will be sent to you.

Funds will not be provided until after the Office of Multicultural Affairs has received:

  • your signed funding agreement
  • a tax invoice.

Any outstanding acquittals must be submitted before the grant can be paid.

Public information about the grant

The government will release the details of the project and funding to the public.

Read the privacy statement.

Promoting the NT Government during your event

You must prominently promote that the NT Government has funded your event. This includes all media releases or promotional material.

You must contact the Office of Multicultural Affairs to receive a 'proudly sponsored by' logo to use in your promotional material.

The logo may only be reproduced in the format provided and must be presented on all materials associated with the funded activity in equal size and prominence to your organisation's logo.

Managing your funds and budget

The Office of Multicultural Affairs will not be held responsible if you underestimate the cost of activities related to the project and you lose money.

You can only spend your funds based on the requirements in the funding agreement.

If a grant has not been used for the approved purpose, or the conditions of funding have not been met, your organisation must repay the funds.

If you want to change the purpose of your grant

If you want to change what you are spending the grant on, you must write to the Office of Multicultural Affairs to ask for permission.

Your letter must provide reasons for the change and a budget for the amended purpose.

Funds can only be used for a new purpose after the Office of Multicultural Affairs has sent you written approval for your request.

Duty of care and insurance

You may need to have public liability insurance with a recognised insurance provider that covers the activity of the grant.

You must send a copy of your public liability insurance policy within 14 days if the government asks you to do so.

When your event has finished

When your event has finished, you must fill in an acquittal of grant funds form.

Acquittal of grant funds DOCX (168.4 KB)
Acquittal of grant funds PDF (78.4 KB)

You must submit it to the Office of Multicultural Affairs within 8 weeks of your event or project finishing. All previous grants must be acquitted before new grants can be paid.

Your acquittal must include:

  • an income and expenditure statement for the project
  • a written report detailing the results of the project or activity, including:
    • the extent to which the project's objectives were achieved
    • any issues that affected the project.
Unspent funds

If you have funds left over after your event, you must do one of the following:

  • return leftover funds to the Office of Multicultural Affairs
  • apply to change the purpose of your grant so you can spend it on something else
  • apply to change the funding period of your grant so you can spend it on the same project at a later date.


For more information or help, contact the Office of Multicultural Affairs by emailing

Multicultural Community Facilities Grant

If you're an eligible organisation, you may be able to get funding through the Multicultural Community Facilities Grant (MCFG).

To be eligible, you must own and manage multicultural community facilities in the Northern Territory (NT).

Through this grant, you can access the following 2 schemes:

  • MCFG - for works to your facilities
  • MCFG sharing arrangement - to share your facilities with other organisations.

If you're eligible, the MCFG can help you with funding for renovations, maintenance and upgrades to your facilities.

This scheme is designed to help projects that improve:

  • venues used to host multicultural events
  • meeting places to encourage development, expression and promotion of multicultural diversity
  • premises available for use by all cultural and linguistic backgrounds.

Applications open from 1 April to 30 April every year.

For more information, read section 1 of the guidelines.

MCFG guidelines PDF (330.2 KB)
MCFG guidelines DOCX (674.1 KB)

If you're eligible, the MCFG sharing arrangement can support you in sharing your facilities with other organisations.

Funding provided can assist with the upkeep of your facilities, including utilities and venue hire costs.

Applications are now open until 31 January 2025 or until funding runs out (whichever occurs first).

How to apply

To apply, follow these steps:

Step 1. Read the section 2 of the MCFG guidelines.

MCFG guidelines PDF (330.2 KB)
MCFG guidelines DOCX (674.1 KB)

Step 2. Apply online through GrantsNT.


For more information or help, contact the Office of Multicultural Affairs by emailing

Multicultural grants program

The Multicultural Grants Program (MGP) provides funding to migrant and multicultural communities in the Northern Territory (NT).

There are 4 schemes under this program:

This scheme provides funding to assist with organising, promoting and running cultural:

  • events
  • activities
  • festivals.

Funding can be used for events or projects that promote:

  • social inclusion
  • cohesion
  • multicultural diversity
  • linguistic diversity.

Two rounds of grants are available each year:

  • Round 1 - opens on 1 March and closes on 31 March for activities starting from July.
  • Round 2 - opens on 1 September and closes on 30 September for activities starting from January next year.

Read section 1 of the guidelines.

This scheme provides funding to assist with:

  • unplanned events or
  • changing circumstances.

Projects that will be considered are assessed on how well they meet the following criteria:

  • Assist the community’s knowledge and appreciation of different cultures
  • foster opportunities for multicultural communities to maintain, develop and express their cultural and linguistic diversity
  • are accessible and can be attended by the broader Northern Territory community.

Applications open on 1 July and remain open until 30 April or until funding runs out.

Applications should be submitted 4 to 6 weeks before the start date of your event.

Read section 2 of the guidelines.

This scheme provides funding towards innovative projects that address emerging issues in the multicultural community, such as:

  • education and skills development
  • employment
  • social isolation
  • other related issues.

Applications open on 1 July and close on 15 August 2024.

This grant is for a multi-year funding agreement (minimum of 2 years and maximum of 5 years), to begin on 1 January 2025.

Read section 3 of the guidelines.

This scheme provides funding to assist with the delivery of multicultural peak body functions in the NT.

These functions include:

  • promoting multiculturalism, community understanding and acceptance of cultural diversity
  • engaging regularly with the multicultural community
  • conducting or supporting research on migrant and refugee experiences to inform policies, services and programs
  • providing a forum and space where multicultural communities can participate in a range of activities, including information sharing and consultations
  • engaging and collaborating with service providers to inform the development of programs and projects responding to identified emerging needs
  • organising or partnering with relevant groups to deliver multicultural celebrations
  • representing and providing leadership in addressing multicultural issues, including participating in forums such as the Minister’s Advisory Council on Multicultural Affairs on behalf of multicultural communities and other national forums
  • empowering and supporting diverse cultural groups to form and effectively manage community organisations.

Applications open on 1 July and close on 15 August 2024.

This grant is for a multi-year funding agreement (minimum of 2 years and maximum of 5 years), to begin on 1 January 2025.

Read section 4 of the guidelines.

How to apply

To apply, follow these steps:

Step 1. Read the MGP guidelines.

Multicultural grants program guidelines PDF (372.0 KB)
Multicultural grants program guidelines DOCX (679.5 KB)

Step 2. Apply online through GrantsNT.


For help or to discuss a late application, contact the Office of Multicultural Affairs by calling 08 8999 3894 or emailing

Multicultural grants and your privacy

If your application for a multicultural grant is successful, the Office of Multicultural Affairs will make details of the project public.

Your personal information may be provided to the Minister for Multicultural Affairs, the Department of the Chief Minister and other agencies to promote and report funding outcomes. Your personal information will not be made public.