Birthing services in Central Australia

Antenatal care in Central Australia

Antenatal care is the care you receive from doctors and midwives during your pregnancy.

The Alice Springs antenatal clinic is at the Alice Springs Hospital appointments are free for Australian residents.

Make an appointment

Once your pregnancy is confirmed, call the Alice Springs Hospital maternity unit 08 8951 7620 or 08 8951 7621.

You can self-referral or be referred by your doctor.

If you need an interpreter, let the clinic know before the appointment. The hospital will help arrange this service.

If you don't have a Medicare card, you must pay for antenatal appointments and any hospital admissions. The hospital will help you understand how much each service is and create a suitable payment plan.

Read more about medicare services, go to the Services Australia website.

What to bring to your first appointment

Bring the following to your first appointment:

  • Medicare card
  • health care card
  • a copy of any test results for this pregnancy
  • GP contact details and referral letter if you have seen a doctor
  • private health insurance card if you have one
  • passport - only if you don't have a Medicare card.

What to expect

Your first antenatal appointment may take up to an hour.

A midwife or doctor or a combination of both will discuss and record your medical, surgical, social history and general wellbeing.

You will have the opportunity to also discuss:

  • pregnancy care
  • waterbirth and birthing options
  • childbirth education classes
  • feeding preferences for baby
  • pregnancy health records
  • screening tests
  • future antenatal clinic visits.

Specialist medical care during pregnancy

Specialist medical care during pregnancy is provided by an obstetrician.

They provide care for women who need extra medical care during their pregnancy, birth and after the baby is born.

Obstetric clinics are held at the hospital on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays.

You need a referral from your doctor or midwife.

Each visit is structured around your needs.

All pregnancy assessments and tests will be done in these sessions.

Pregnant women with diabetes

The diabetes antenatal clinic and education team (DANCE) looks after pregnant women with diabetes in the Alice Springs region.

You need a referral from your doctor or midwife for this clinic.

This clinic operates on a Wednesday at the hospital and is supported by:

  • midwives
  • doctors
  • dietitians
  • diabetes educators - healthcare professionals who help pregnant women self-manage their diabetes.

Find out more about diabetes in pregnancy.

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