Permits for functions, activities or meetings in parks

You need a permit if you want to hold public events or similar activities in a Northern Territory (NT) park or reserve.

This includes all of the following:

  • concerts
  • wedding receptions
  • special functions and birthday parties
  • public entertainment
  • fetes
  • demonstrations
  • exclusive use of a park or reserve or part of a park or reserve
  • any event where equipment will be used such as a marquee, signage, jumping castle or sound system.

A public event is an activity conducted in any part of a park or reserve that restricts access or enjoyment by the general public, whether or not they pay to enter the event.

Commercial and corporate events

A community event is where members of the public are encouraged to attend and is organised by:

  • not-for-profit organisations
  • public interest groups
  • clubs
  • schools
  • other education institutions.

These events are conducted without seeking profit or any form of compensation, other than to cover the costs of hosting them.

Community events

A commercial or corporate event involves selling or promoting products or services for profit.

This includes generating revenue for non-profit organisations when organised by commercial event planners.

Private events

A private event is a gathering organised by a private customer and attended by invited guests only.

Sites you can book

Access a list of sites available to be booked for an event. All bookings are subject to availability, seasonal conditions and access.

Each site has limitations including:

  • capacity
  • bookable periods
  • limits on equipment or infrastructure.

You will be advised once your form has been assessed.

View list of available sites below.

Darwin Urban Berry Springs Nature Park Berry Springs day-use area
Buffalo Creek Management Area Buffalo Creek day-use area
Casuarina Coastal Reserve Dripstone Cliffs day-use area
Dripstone Park day-use area
Lee Point day-use area
Rapid Creek day-use area
Charles Darwin National Park Charles Darwin day-use area
Holmes Jungle Nature Park Holmes Jungle day-use area
Howard Springs Nature Park Eastern day-use area
Western day-use area
Knuckey Lagoons Conservation Reserve Knuckey Lagoons day-use area
Manton Dam Recreation Area Manton Dam (Ski beach) day-use area
Manton Dam day-use area
Top End Fogg Dam Conservation Reserve Fogg Dam day-use area
Litchfield National Park Buley Rockhole day-use area
Cascades day-use area
Florence Falls day-use area
Greenant Creek day-use area
Tolmer Falls Lookout
Tabletop Swamp day-use area
Tjaynera (Sandy Creek) Falls day-use area
Walker Creek day-use area
Wangi Falls day-use area
Mary River National Park Brian Creek day-use area
Coroborree Billabong day-use area
Couzens Lookout day-use area
Delta Block East day-use area
Delta Block West day-use area
Mary River Billabong day-use area
Mary River Crossing day-use area
Mistake Billabong day-use area
Point Stuart Coastal Reserve day-use area
Rockhole day-use area
Shady Camp day-use area

Savannah/Gulf Cutta Cutta Caves Nature Park Cutta Cutta Caves day-use area
Caranbirini Conservation Reserve Caranbirini day-use area
Elsey National Park 4 Mile (via John Hauser Drive) day-use area
Bitter Springs thermal pool day-use area
Botanic Walk (via John Hauser Drive) day-use area
Giwining / Flora River Nature Park Flora River day-use area
Judbarra / Gregory National Park Jasper Gorge day-use area
Joe Creek day-use area
Limestone Gorge day-use area
Matt Wilson day-use area
Sullivan Campground day-use area
Keep River National Park Goorrandalng day-use area
Jarnem day-use area
Jenemoom day-use area
Woorrilbem / Cockatoo Lagoon day-use area
Limmen National Park Butterfly Falls day-use area
Limmen Bight River day-use area
Southern Lost City day-use area
Nitmiluk (Katherine Gorge) National Park Nitmiluk Gorge day-use area
Leliyn day-use area

East Alice Springs Telegraph Station Historical Reserve Historic Precinct day-use area
Arltunga Historical Reserve Arltunga visitor centre
Great Western Mine carpark
Historic Mines Walk carpark
Joker Gorge carpark
Old Police Station carpark
Attack Creek Historical Reserve Attack Creek picnic area
Chamber's Pillar Historical Reserve Chambers Pillar Campground day-use area
Henbury Meteorites Conservation Reserve Henbury Meteorites day-use area
Iytwelepenty / Davenport Ranges National Park Frew River 4WD Track Campground 1 day-use area
Frew River 4WD Track Campground 2 day-use area
Old Police Station Waterhole Campground day-use area
Whistleduck Creek campground day-use area
Karlu Karlu / Devils Marbles Conservation Reserve Karlu Karlu day-use area
Karlu Karlu-Devil's Marbles campground day-use area
Kuyunba Conservation Reserve Kuyunba picnic area
Napwerte / Ewaninga Rock Carvings Conservation Reserve Napwerte / Ewaninga day-use area
Native Gap Conservation Reserve Native Gap day-use area
N'Dhala Gorge Nature Park N’Dhala Gorge Campground day-use area
Rainbow Valley Conservation Reserve Rainbow Valley Campground day-use area
Tnorala (Gosse Bluff) Conservation Reserve Tnorala day-use area
Trephina Gorge Nature Park Trephina Gorge Campground day-use area
Trephina Panorama Campground day-use area
Yeperenye / Emily and Jessie Gaps Nature Park Emily Gap day-use area
Jessie Gap day-use area
West Finke Gorge National Park Finke Gorge day-use area
Palm Valley Campground day-use area
Tjoritja / West MacDonnell National Park Ellery Creek picnic area
Ochre Pits day-use
Serpentine Gorge picnic area
Simpsons Gap Bicycle Path picnic areas
Simpsons Gap picnic area
Watarrka National Park Kathleen Creek rest area
Kings Canyon dayuse area

Traditional Owner approval

To hold an event in a park or reserve managed by Aboriginal Traditional Owners, you may need approval from joint management partners.

Contact the concessions and permits office of Parks and Wildlife for more information.

Fees and security deposits

Fees are calculated based on the type of event:

  • private events don't generally incur a fee
  • community events fees are by negotiation
  • commercial event fees are calculated based on the size, nature and requirements of your event.  Fees range from:
    • $120 for events attended by up to 20 people
    • $2500 for events of 500+ people.

Fees can be negotiated for complex events where infrastructure is required to be built/erected.

If you need a ranger at your event, there's a fee of $55 per hour per staff member.

You will be provided with a quote based on your requirements.

Security deposits

You may have to pay a security deposit and/or permit fee at least 7 days before the start of your event.

If your event causes damage or additional costs, your security deposit may be used to fix the damage or pay for the costs. You'll be informed before your security deposit is taken.


If you are a club, business, company or association you may need all risks public liability insurance for $20 million or more.

The certificate must be in your or your company's name and span the dates of your activity.

How to apply

Before you apply read the events and functions in parks policy and guideline PDF (1.5 MB).

You must provide all of the following information:

  • name and address (for yourself or your organisation)
  • description of the event
  • name of the park or reserve and area of where the event will be held
  • conditions for your attendees
  • time and dates of your event
  • entertainment details e.g. live music, public address system, DJ (if relevant)
  • scale of the activity, include how many people are expected to attend
  • Commission facilities required, for example, toilets, barbeques etc
  • temporary structures to be used, for example, marquee, shade sails, jumping castles, portable toilets
  • electricity supply requirements (including use of portable generators)
  • intention to sell or serve alcohol
  • any other information you're asked to provide.

See information for holding a function at:

For all other parks, fill in the public events permit form:

Public events permit form PDF (180.4 KB)
Public events permit form DOCX (66.1 KB).

Submit your form by email, mail or in person to the concessions and permits office of Parks and Wildlife.

Managing your event

You're in charge of your event from start to finish.

Parks and Wildlife staff won't undertake duties such as:

  • security
  • setup
  • park maintenance (beyond their regular duties).

You must manage everything, including cleaning up afterward and restoring the area. If this isn't done, your security deposit may be withheld.


If you hold an event or meeting in a park without a permit you may be fined.

Last updated: 02 May 2024

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