NXT Gen ARTS: Become a host organisation

If you're a Northern Territory (NT) not-for-profit arts organisation or creative industry business, you can apply to become a host organisation for the NXT Gen ARTS program.

The program provides $13,000 to support early career artists and arts workers through a work placement.

This includes $10,000 to cover artist fees and $3,000 to cover your organisation's mentoring and administration fees.

Placements can be full time for 3 months or part time for up to 6 months.

You can't offer a NXT Gen ARTS placement to a young artist you already employ.


The program provides you with an opportunity to:

  • mentor the next generation of young artists and arts workers
  • evaluate the suitability of young artists or workers as a future employee
  • contribute to the goals of the creative industries strategy.

Your responsibilities

You must complete a placement plan with the applicant. The signed placement plan will form part of their application on GrantsNT. You must also hold appropriate insurance and provide a certificate of currency.

As part of the placement, you must provide the following to the successful applicant:

  • induction to the workplace with information on:
    • code of conduct
    • lines of reporting
    • relevant policies and procedures including health and safety.
  • training required to support the professional practice experience - eg. MS Excel, MS Word, social media
  • mentoring and feedback throughout the placement
  • written reference to the applicant after they complete the placement.

Regular monthly check-ins will take place through workplace visits to ensure the applicant's wellbeing.

Who can apply

To be eligible, you must:

  • be registered and based in the NT
  • have an annual turnover of at least $75,000
  • have been established for more than 5 years.

Creative industry businesses must fall into the categories listed in the NT’s creative industries strategy. To find out more, go to the Department of People, Sport and Culture website.

How to apply

To apply, follow these steps:

Step 1. Fill in an expression of interest form.

NXT Gen ARTS organisations expression of interest form PDF (228.1 KB)
NXT Gen ARTS organisations expression of interest form DOCX (70.8 KB)

Step 2. Submit the form by email to arts.office@nt.gov.au.

If you haven't got a confirmed artist, include this on your form. Arts NT will contact you to discuss possible matches.

More information

To view videos from previous NXT Gen ARTS placements, go to the Channel NT website.


For help or more information, contact Arts NT.

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