Advertise a liquor licence application

If you're applying for a liquor licence, you must advertise your application to the public.

You don't need to advertise for applications with the following authorities:

  • community event
  • special event.

In some cases, you might need to advertise if the Director of Liquor Licensing considers it would be in the public interest.

This includes when you apply to:

  • substitute your premises
  • vary the conditions of your liquor licence
  • make a material alteration.

This must be done before it can be processed.

How to advertise

To advertise your application, you must do all of the following:

  • write the wording for the advert
  • make sure it is clear so a person reading it understands:
    • what you are applying for
    • how you will operate the business.

If your application is complete, the director of Liquor Licensing will contact you after 14 days and confirm:

  • what wording you must use in your advert
  • where it must be published.

You will then have 14 days to advertise your application.

You must advertise details of your proposed application in a local newspaper or another way specified by the director of Liquor Licensing.

This includes the type of liquor licence and any authorities you are applying for.

The advertisement must run for 14 consecutive days.

Licensing officers will help you draft your advert. They will also tell you where to publish it at your own expense.

You must display a sign with an application notice outside of the proposed licensed premises.

The sign must be displayed prominently for 14 consecutive days.

Licensing officers will prepare this sign for you, which you will need to collect and keep on display at all times through the advertising period.

Restrictions apply to advertising liquor licence applications over the Christmas and New Year period.

This rule applies to all applications that need to be publicly advertised.

You must either:

  • finish your 14 consecutive days of advertising before Sunday 17 December 2023 or
  • start your advertising after Monday 8 January 2024.

You do not have to advertise within 14 days of your approved liquor licence application if it breaches Christmas and New Year advertising restrictions.

If this happens, you should advertise as soon as possible after the restriction period.

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