Risk classification in food businesses

Food businesses in the Northern Territory (NT) are classified using the NT food business risk classification framework.

There are four classification categories based on risk level:

  • priority 1 (P1)
  • priority 2 (P2)
  • priority 3 (P3)
  • priority 4 (P4).

The classification depends on the inherent food safety risks that exist in your food business. The highest risk category is P1, followed by P2, P3 and then P4, which is the lowest risk category.

The fee to register or renew your food business depends on your business' risk classification.

Get a copy of the framework.

NT food business risk classification framework PDF (423.5 KB)

NT food business risk classification framework DOCX (689.8 KB).

How your business is classified

Your food business will be assessed and assigned a risk classification by an Environmental Health Officer as part of your next inspection.

Risk categories are determined by the types of food and the processes used by your business.

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