Food business registration fees
Fees for registering or renewing depend on the risk classification of your food business.
You need to pay a registration fee for each premises where your food business operates. This does not include the different locations of mobile food premises.
Fees are set in revenue units, which change every year in line with the consumer price index (CPI).
Fees: new food business registration
Risk classification | Revenue units | Fee |
Priority 1 | 180 | $253 |
Priority 2 | 90 | $126 |
Priority 3 | 45 | $63 |
Priority 4 | - | No fee required |
Fees: renewal of registration
Risk classification | Revenue units | Fee |
Priority 1 | 145 | $204 |
Priority 2 | 70 | $98 |
Priority 3 | 35 | $49 |
Priority 4 | - | No fee required |
Fees: variation of registration conditions
Risk classification | Revenue units | Fee |
Priority 1 | 90 | $126 |
Priority 2 | 45 | $63 |
Priority 3 | 22 | $31 |
Priority 4 | - | No fee required |
How to pay
You can pay your fee when you register or renew your food business online.
You can also pay your fee to the Receiver of Territory Monies (RTM).
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