Animal welfare


All animals in the Northern Territory (NT) are entitled to a standard level of care for their welfare, health and safety under the Animal Protection Act 2018 and Animal Protection Regulations 2022.

If you’re in charge of any animal - wild, farmed or a family pet, you must make sure they:

  • have the right kind of food, water and living conditions
  • get proper treatment if they’re sick or injured
  • are allowed to exercise and are handled appropriately
  • will not be harmed by any confinement or restraint
  • are worked, ridden or used only in ways that are appropriate:
    • not in an organised animal fight
  • are not abandoned.

The Act and regulations are managed the Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade who are responsible for making sure animal owners follow these rules.

They assign welfare officers to prevent animal cruelty and ensure they’re being treated humanely as well as promote community awareness about animal welfare.

Policies and enforcements

In the Northern Territory (NT), you can be fined up to $81,000 or imprisoned for 5 years if a court finds you’ve:

Animal welfare officers

Animal welfare officers investigate offences in line with the Act and can:

  • issue direction or infringement notices
  • seize animals
  • take animal owners to court.

They will always carry an identity card.

NT Police officers also have these same powers and functions.

Welfare of livestock

The rules for animal welfare apply to people who own or work with animals.

This includes farmers, livestock transporters, livestock exporters and saleyard staff.

There are also national animal welfare standards and guidelines for transporting livestock known as the land transport standards.

If you want to make a complaint about livestock welfare, find out how to report animal cruelty or neglect to the Animal Welfare Branch.

Animals for scientific research

If you want to use an animal for scientific research or other purposes in the Northern Territory (NT), you must get approval and be registered.

Scientific research means an experiment, procedure, test or study involving an animal.

It includes subjecting an animal to surgical, medical, physiological, biological, chemical or physical treatment.

You must make sure any animal you use receives a standard level of care under the Act.

For more information, read the Animal Protection Act 2018 and Regulations.

Other purposes

Examples of using an animal for scientific purposes include:

  • teaching
  • performing field trials
  • carrying out environmental studies
  • research to create or breed a new animal line where impact on welfare is unknown
  • testing products
  • producing biological products.

When you don't need to register

You don't need to register if animals are part of a childcare centre, pre-school or educational facility unless they’re used or intended to be used for teaching purposes.

Before you apply

You must get approval from an animal ethics committee (AEC). You can apply through Charles Darwin University's AEC.

You should also read the Australian code for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes. Find the code on the Australian Government's National Health and Medical Research Council website.

How to apply

Find out how to apply for registration to use animals in teaching or research.

Apply for a registration to use or allow an animal to be used for scientific purposes

If you want to use animals for teaching and research in the Northern Territory, you must apply for a registration.

How to apply

To apply, follow these steps:

Step 1. Fill in application

Fill in the application for registration to use or allow an animal to be used for scientific purposes.

Application for registration to use or allow an animal to be used for scientific purposes PDF (218.7 KB)
Application for registration to use or allow an animal to be used for scientific purposes   DOCX (68.6 KB)

Step 2. Pay the fee

Pay the $117.00 fee over the phone or send a cheque to Receiver of Territory Monies (RTM).

To pay over the phone, call 08 8999 1628 and quote cost code 92HC1N01D and standard class 131111.

You must also ask RTM to email your receipt to to confirm you have paid.

To send a cheque, you must send it to:

Receiver of Territory Monies
C/- Animal Welfare Authority
Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade
GPO Box 3000
Darwin NT 0800

Step 3. Submit application

Submit your application by mail or email to:

Animal Welfare Branch
Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade
GPO Box 3000
Darwin NT 0800

It can take up to 6 weeks for an application to be assessed if you’ve paid the fee.

It will not be refunded if your application is refused.

How your application is assessed

The Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade will contact your ethics committee to discuss your proposal, and may ask you for more information in the process.

The decision to approve your application will be based on:

  • the nature and purpose of the teaching or research
  • you’re ability to be a fit and proper person to hold a registration, including:
    • whether you have been found guilty of an offence under animal welfare legislation in Australia or elsewhere
  • your competence and experience in the care and handling of animals
  • the premises, equipment and other facilities
  • the adequate arrangements for veterinary treatment.

If your application is refused, the authority will provide reasons in writing.

If your application is approved

If your application is approved, your registration will be mailed to you.

It will take effect on the date it’s issued and lasts for 3 years unless it's been suspended or cancelled, or you’ve surrendered it.


You must:

  • have an ethics committee overseeing your teaching or research project
  • follow any animal welfare conditions on your registration.


At the end of every financial year, you must report your use of animals. The authority will send you an electronic form for this.

Appealing a refusal

If your application is refused, you can appeal it to the Local Court.

Varying your registration

To vary a registration, follow these steps:

Step 1. Fill in the application.

Application for a variation of registration to use premises for teaching or research involving animals DOCX (70.8 KB)
Application for a variation of registration to use premises for teaching or research involving animals PDF (181.0 KB)

Step 2. Submit your application to the Animal Welfare Branch with a $50 application fee.

Renewing your registration

To renew a registration, follow these steps:

Step 1. Fill in the application and mark it as a renewal.

Application for registration to use or allow an animal to be used for scientific purposes  PDF (218.7 KB)
Application for registration to use or allow an animal to be used for scientific purposes  DOCX (68.6 KB)

Step 2. Pay the fee and submit your application like how you did the first time.

When a registration is suspended or cancelled

The Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade may cancel or suspend your registration if:

  • you're found guilty of an offence
  • it's believed you obtained the registration improperly
  • it's believed you have failed to follow your registration conditions
  • you're believed to not be a fit and proper person to continue to hold your registration

If your registration is cancelled or suspended, you will be notified in writing.

Animal Welfare Fund grant program

Northern Territory (NT) not-for-profit organisations that work in animal welfare can apply for a grant of up to $30,000.

The program provides funding for projects that:

  • improve animal wellbeing
  • raise community awareness of animal welfare responsibilities
  • help promote and improve animal management practice, particularly in remote communities.

Applications for 2024 grant round are now closed and are currently being assessed.

Who can apply

You can apply for a grant if your organisation:

  • is legally registered and operates in the NT
  • is a registered not-for-profit incorporated body, co-operative or association
  • meets the Animal Welfare Fund definition of an animal welfare organisation.

Who can't apply

Individuals, private groups and NT government agencies including government schools can't apply.

If you're a local government council or unincorporated body, you can only apply if you partner with a not-for-profit organisation.

After you apply

You will be notified by mail of the outcome of your application.

If you're successful

If you're successful, you will receive an Animal Welfare Fund grant funding agreement.

You must sign this agreement and return it to the Animal Welfare Branch before you receive your grant.

You must start your project within three months of signing the funding agreement.

Acquit your funding

You must also acquit grant funding. Acquitting a grant means accurately accounting for funding.

You will receive a grant acquittal form with your funding agreement and letter of offer.

When to acquit funding

You must fill in the grant acquittal form and submit it within 30 days of the approved completion date of your project.


Animal Welfare Fund - Animal Welfare Branch
29 Makagon Road
Berrimah NT 0828

GPO Box 3000
Darwin NT 0801

Animal welfare contacts

For more information or to report animal cruelty or neglect, contact:

Animal Welfare Branch
Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade
Berrimah Farm
Makagon Road
Berrimah NT 0828
Phone: 1300 720 386

Changes to the Animal Protection Act 2018

On 1 November 2022, the new Animal Protection Regulations 2022 came into place to support the Animal Protection Act 2018.

These have replaced the Animal Welfare Act 1999 and will help to strengthen animal protection and welfare in the Northern Territory.

This includes the rights, roles and responsibilities for government, industry and the community.

What these changes mean

These changes mean:

  • tighter regulations for animal welfare and handling
  • new requirements for transporting dogs safely in vehicles
  • greater power for animal welfare officers including stronger penalties for inadequate care
  • registrations will be required to use animals for teaching or research, instead of a licence.

They aim to ensure animals are treated humanely by preventing animal cruelty and promoting community awareness on animal care and protection.

These laws also help to regulate teaching and research activities involving animals for scientific purposes.

More information

Read more about animal welfare, or find out how to report animal cruelty or neglect.